July is the second month of summer and the beginning of what was commonly known as the “dog days of summer.”  I used to think this was a reference to the intense heat of mid-summer, which was not fit for a dog, creating feelings of lethargy.

I’ve come to find out that this term actually refers to a particularly bright star that rises and sets with the Sun during this time of the year and is known as Sirius or the Dog Star. This star is responsible for the expression “dog days.” It is also extremely interesting to note that Sirius was the name of the dog of Orion, the mythical hunter, who has his own constellation, and reinforces the Dog Star’s association with dogs. The Dog Star is the second brightest star that can be seen by the naked eye, so take a look up at the night sky between July 3rd  and August 11th to see this shining star.

Let’s take a look at what is happening during this sultry month of July. On July 2nd, Neptune Retrograde begins. We now have two planets, Saturn and Neptune, in retrograde motion and both in the sign of Pisces. Saturn stationed retrograde on June 29th until November 15th, and Neptune is retrograde in her own sign until December 7th. What does this mean and how do we move through this with a higher awareness?

 First of all, Saturn represents perseverance, discipline, and following the rules. This is the planet that sets boundaries and limitations. He shows us where we need to be responsible and make mature decisions in our life.

 Pisces is the sign of compassion, intuition, and spirituality. This a very watery and imaginative energy. When Saturn is in this sign, it can create situations in which you are less confident, perhaps even a bit fearful and self-conscious about making the right decisions. However, what Saturn really is encouraging us to do is become serious about what we have been dreaming of and to use that powerful Pisces intuition to lead us forward. To embrace the softer and more sensitive energy of Pisces as you plan your next move.

 What we need to do during the Saturn Retrograde period is connect more deeply to the areas of intuition, spirituality, imagination, and creativity that Pisces brings to the table. It can allow us to bring more structure and idealism into these areas of life. This is the time to  re-evaluate our personal ambitions, as well as our professional and social decisions, so that we can restructure and rebuild the things that are no longer serving us. We have the time to slow down, reflect, and decide if our activities are working in our best interest or if we should change direction. We need to take a look at our past behavior and our past decisions and see what comes to light so that we can bring our actions into balance and make things right in our life. As Neptune closely follows Saturn in retrograde motion, there is a continuation of the themes of introspection and reflection concerning our lives. Since Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces, he can express himself to the fullest. He loves being in this sign and feels completely comfortable and in harmony with this energy.

Here’s the thing about this trickster Neptune. Yes, this is a very compassionate, spiritual, and inspiration planet. However, Neptune is also famous for creating illusion, self-delusion, and fantasy. This is an extremely watery planet that can sometimes cloud our minds with a mist, creating uncertain thoughts and misunderstood perceptions.

At times he encourages us to put on our rose-colored glasses so that we don’t have to face things or see things as they really are. It is a protection mechanism for when the realism of life is too harsh. As far as the spiritual component, for many of us, spirituality and our spiritual beliefs are often hidden, yet Neptune is the planet that provides us with faith in all we cannot see or touch. This is the work of Neptune. He gives us our imagination, creativity, sensitivity and governs our dreams.

The interesting thing that happens during a Neptune retrograde is that you will see things more realistically and with greater awareness. Almost as if a veil has been lifted. It will be easier for you to see situations more clearly. This time period encourages you to view the most difficult aspects about yourself, your life, and your relationships with others, with no blinders on.

During this time, it is particularly important to stay true to yourself, trust your instincts, and follow your intuition. Your intuition will never steer you wrong. Neptune’s retrograde inspires creativity and helps you to better understand your hopes and dreams.

Throughout this time period, I encourage everyone to delve into the more hidden characteristics of self and engage in strengthening your spiritual side by starting a solid meditation practice, take classes that interest you in more metaphysical areas of life, take part in intuitive healing energy work, spiritual counseling or retreats, or gaining clarity through soul guidance. These types of activities will greatly help you weather both the Neptune and Saturn retrogrades.

Mercury moves into the sign of Leo on July 2nd as well.  Mercury will remain in this sign until July 25th. This combination brings a dramatic flair to our communication style. We become more confident in our thoughts and in how we are planning our next/next. Take advantage of this energy by communicating from your place of truth. Leo is the sign of creativity, so do not be shy about envisioning what you want in the grandest way possible. The details can come later.

On July 5th there will be a New Moon in Cancer. The Moon is in her rulership in Cancer, so expect your emotions to be heightened during this New Moon. You may be feeling extra emotional or extra sensitive, or your feelings may see-saw a bit. However, this is a wonderful time to build close and meaningful relationships, not only with your family but also with others who you are in personal, professional, or business partnerships with. Issues of sharing, partnership, cooperation, and compromise are highlighted during this New Moon. This is when we envision how we would like our relationships or partnerships to grow and what we would like to create in this area of life. Tune into your inner self by meditating on your wishes or write in your journal about what you would like to generate in terms of personal relationships. Reassess your personal needs and work through issues of your own individuality and those of the important others in your life.

Adding to the energy of this particular Moon, Venus then conjuncts the Moon on July 6th. Venus brings in a lovely, calm, harmonious element with this transit. It can provide you with the ability to connect on a deeper level with others, and at the same time, allow you to explore your own emotional world and understand how to navigate relationships through understanding and compassion.

Then on July 13th we become better equipped to understand what we need to do to move ahead with our New Moon intentions when the Moon transits into Libra and the 1st quarter lunar phase. This is the phase when the Moon is in a square aspect to the Sun. Some see a square aspect as a negative time, but really this is the time of great vitality. It is a very energizing time to get things going and start to take decisive action. You may not have all the moving parts in place, but you begin to put your energy into it. Usually 2 days before and 2 days after this phase you will feel an expansion of this energy for growth and development. This is the turning point when things start to develop significantly. Use your intuition when establishing the groundwork of whatever it is you are doing. Be courageous and take at least one fearless step forward in the process.

On July 20th, Mars, the planet of action, assertiveness, ambition, and drive enters the sign of Gemini. This energy takes us straight through the summer until September 4th. This combination will help you to advance forward on your journey. It brings vitality to the mind, providing you with a ton of ideas and the ability to stay active and engaged with your plans as we move toward the Full Moon. You may find you have very strong opinions and a creativity that helps you in communicating your truth to others and is a great time to plan and strategize for those future goals. Just make sure to keep your focus where it needs to be because Mars in this sign can cause you to scatter your energy in too many directions.

Right on schedule, the Moon moves into her Full phase on July 21st. This is a Capricorn Full Moon. I love how the Universe works. When the Moon is in Capricorn it brings a stability to our emotional life. We want less drama and will be more cautious with our personal attachments. It also brings awareness of what we have achieved or are about to achieve during this lunation cycle. We are provided with focus and self-discipline and an ability to see  all with complete illumination.

Here is the most amazing part. This is the 2nd Full Moon in a row in the sign of Capricorn this summer. Yes, on June 21st the Full Moon was in Capricorn and now on July 21st the same. This is a really rare occurrence. Each brings a different flavor and energy to the cycle. The June Full Moon occurred at the beginning of Cancer Season, and the July Full Moon occurs at the end of Cancer Season. The June Full Moon was at the first degree of Capricorn, while this July Full Moon falls at the last degree of the sign. This suggests a mastery of the knowledge being imparted to us and what we are supposed to have learned as a result. We have been given the opportunity to do some deep work here and to learn about the responsibilities we have to both ourselves and to others. If we can understand ourselves with compassion on a deep level, it then allows us to share that truth with others and perhaps help them with their own healing journey.

During this time period, make self-care a priority. Commit to a daily practice of reflection or meditation, be productive in your daily routines, honor your emotions and learn to listen to what your mind, body, and soul need. Take the opportunity to release anything that is keeping you from your true purpose and remember what your goals and wishes were at the beginning of this entire process.


September has arrived bringing with it the Fall Equinox. Just as there is a Spring Equinox in March marking the official arrival of spring, there is also the Fall Equinox marking the arrival of autumn. This occurs on September 23rd at the same time that the Sun enters Libra, the sign of balance, equality, and harmony.

The Equinox comes from the Latin, meaning “equal” and “night.” Equal parts light and dark. As we progress from the Fall Equinox, we see the days become shorter and nightfall occurring earlier. This is a tipping point in the Earth’s cycle when the Moon begins to outdistance the Sun. The Moon has been chasing the Sun since spring and finally overtakes it during this time. This dance will continue until the Winter Solstice in December, when the days will slowly start to grow longer until we once again reach the Spring Equinox in March.

This cycle is the basis of the mythological story of Persephone and Demeter. As the story goes, Demeter is the Earth Mother Goddess who reigns over all of nature, ruling over grains, crops, harvest, all of agriculture, and the fertility of the earth. Demeter becomes impregnated by Zeus, who later becomes her husband, and she gives birth to her daughter Persephone, Goddess of Fertility and Spring.  

Persephone was a beautiful Goddess and the love of her mother’s life. One day as Persephone is playing in a meadow, she is kidnapped, (with the helping hand of Zeus) by Haides, God of the Underworld, thereby making her Haides’ bride. When Demeter hears of the kidnapping she is distraught and heartbroken. She searches for her throughout the world until finally discovering Persephone’s fate. When she learns that Zeus had actually been a part of her precious daughter’s abduction, she becomes furious and refuses to let the Earth bear fruit, remain fertile, or flourish, until her daughter is returned. This results in Earth becoming a barren wasteland, plunging it into great famine where nothing will grow, causing humans to die. She tells Zeus that it will remain this way until he has Persephone returned to her.

Zeus consents in order to prevent disaster and commands Haides to return Persephone to her mother. However, it is a bit too late, as Persephone has already eaten the food from the Underworld, making it impossible for her to return to her mother forever. A deal is then made that Persephone will divide the year between her mother and her husband, which explains the seasonal cycle. Demeter does not allow warmth or growth of any kind while Persephone is gone, but when she returns home we see the joy, hope, and renewal that she brings with her. Her annual return to the earth brings the flowering of the meadows and forests, the growth of new grains, the promise of the regeneration of life. Herein lies the nature of the seasons and the death and rebirth cycle of nature.

With the beginning of the autumn season, we experience a slower pace as the earth tilts away from the Sun. It is a time of turning inward and surrendering to the symbolic death/rebirth phase. It’s all about releasing, moving, transforming. Meditation and other inner work is beneficial in order for you to make room inside yourself for growth and transformation. It is a time of practicing gratitude and reflecting on all you have achieved since the Spring Equinox and through the bounty of summer that will sustain you through the winter. Allow your intuition and emotions to emerge so that you can tap into your creativity and dreams for the future when you can again start a new chapter in your life come the next Spring Equinox.

The Moon that appears and is associated with the Fall Equinox is called the Harvest Moon and occurs closest to the start of autumn. It dates back to the time when farmers depended on the light of the bright Full Moon to harvest their crops late into the night. This is the first Full Moon after the Equinox and is special because at this time the interval from one moonrise to the next becomes shorter. It carries the energy of endings.

Since this Full Moon is in the sign of Aries, it carries the polarity between Aries and Libra. The goal is to find balance between the Aries Moon and Libra Sun. In other words, in finding balance between self and your relationship with others. This polarity teaches lessons about valuing your independence while keeping in mind your commitments to others. Since Aries is a very reactionary, passionate and assertive sign, learning to pause and listen before reacting is very important. Include some of the Libra qualities of compromise, cooperation and diplomacy in order to have more successful relationships and life experiences.

In order to understand how this Full Moon will affect you, it is helpful to know which area of life will be most influenced by this Moon/Sun polarity. Below is a brief insight for each zodiac sign.


ARIES Your state of mind during this phase is to put yourself first. It is all about asserting your independence, power, and authority. However, try to find a way to create balance between your needs and understanding the needs of other important people in your life. The challenge for you will be learning the art of collaboration and cooperation with others at this time.

TAURUS The Moon is in the house of the subconscious where you will be focused on your inner life and  more spiritual pursuits. This is a time for dreams, reflection, and inspiration. Schedule some down time, including some self-care activities, and learn how to trust your intuition and passions.

GEMINI Visions that you have for your future goals are solidifying. Let the Harvest Moon guide you in planning your next best steps so that you can reap the most bounty from them. Because you tend to lose interest in things quickly, allow the Moon to illuminate what is true for you and allow yourself to see things clearly. This also shines light on the people you surround yourself with and allows you to decide on those you want to connect with and groups you want to be involved with.

CANCER The Harvest Moon is in your 10th house of career, profession, and public recognition. This is the time to get serious about whether or not you are happy in your life path and professional direction. Allow this Moon to illuminate what you should be doing in your life. This is a good time to obtain guidance regarding  new opportunities within your current position or looking at a whole new career sector.

LEO The future is unknown and you have to rely on your personal beliefs and philosophies. However, this Full Moon might just have you questioning your belief systems. A mentor or teacher could go a long way in helping you to shine a light on a new path or encourage a new journey toward enlightenment or new dream. Or YOU may be the role model for inspiring or leading others by example.

VIRGO The Harvest Moon is moving through your house of deep transformations, encouraging you to release whatever has been dragging you down and prohibiting you from having a fulfilling and powerful life not only of your own, but also within your intimate relationships. This is the last of the relationship houses and this house deals with maintaining your relationships, not beginning them. Use this time to dive deep into your soul, allowing the light of the Full Moon to guide you toward powerful self-discovery regarding your needs which can lead to healing, rebirth, and renewal of what you want and need in all facets of your life.

LIBRA The Moon is transiting your natural home, the 7th house. In fact, this is the beginning of a super important period for all Libras as the eclipse axis shifted into Aries/Libra in July. Therefore, during the next 18 months be prepared for some major transformations in your life associated with relationships and how you relate to others. You can expect this particular Full Moon to begin shedding light on all relationships both personal and business. Begin to assess all one on one connections and take the opportunity to improve your relationships in some way.

SCORPIO This Full Moon is moving through your 6th house, shining a light on things that could include your health and wellness, issues in the work environment or with work colleagues, or a project that is nearing completion. Your true feelings regarding anything involving these activities will be illuminated and will help you to see the benefits of being able to work towards a job goal, a health and fitness goal, or a lifestyle habit. Use this time to make positive changes to your routines or get started on an exercise or nutrition program that you’ve been thinking about.

SAGITTARIUS The Full Moon is shining her light in your 5th house. This is the area of life that is all about the things that bring you joy and encourages you to use your creativity and self-expression. You will want to have fun during this time so put yourself out there. Creatively express yourself in some way. If you are looking to begin a new romance, try an online dating site. Plan an adventurous trip abroad. Whatever you love to do, do more of it within reason. You don’t want to go overboard, but you will definitely find the things that you love to do illuminated at this time.

CAPRICORN This Full Moon is effecting your foundational security bringing feelings regarding home, family, and emotional safety to the surface. One of the issues that may rise to the surface is the quality of your home life. Have you been spending too much time at work? Do you need to find balance between your work life and your family time? Is there a renovation project that you need to finish? Is there a family issue that needs to be healed? These are all questions that may come up at this time in order for you to strengthen your sense of belonging.

AQUARIUS The Harvest Moon is illuminating something that is occurring in your community. You may feel a certain need to teach or communicate to others what you think and feel about the situation. This is a time to think, observe, and learn regarding what is happening here and decide how you can improve on your skill sets to help find balance in the situation. During this time period, it is also important for you to get caught up on the mundane chores you have neglected over the past couple of weeks like paying bills, clutter clearing, or responding to general correspondences and communications.

PISCES The Full Moon is shining light on your self-worth and what it is that you value, as well as your financial sector. If you have been assessing your budget and deciding on a major purchase, something you have been saving for or something which could be considered a splurge item, now may be the time to allow yourself to move forward on it. The most important thing is to allow self-awareness about what is truly of value to you and what it is that reinforces your sense of foundational security.


I was going to write one of my standard monthly articles focusing on Spring, new beginnings, and April astrological happenings when another idea came to me. Yes, April is the time of new beginnings, and the New Moon on April 20th is actually the first Solar Eclipse of the year; however, I also have a new beginning in my life and thought it would be fun to share a little something different.

My husband and I adopted an adorable 10 week old standard poodle puppy who we named Cassie. We lost our beloved 12 year old female standard poodle Roxie last March. Since then, our 4 year old male standard Charlie, my husband, and myself have been feeling the loss. I believe it was written in the stars how we came to have this sweet girl arrive in our life. But that’s a story for another day. 

This little girl is a Capricorn, born on December 27, 2022. Of course, I began to look at her personality and behavior to get an idea of how easy or difficult training would be, what her energy would look like, and how sensitive she would be to our energy and what we expect of her. I also began to think that other dog lovers and dog owners would find this interesting as well in understanding their own furry children.

Reflecting on Roxie’s personality, she was born on July 2nd and therefore was the water sign Cancer. She certainly lived up to this sign’s definition of sensitive, intuitive and very complex. She managed to hide her illness from us until it was too late because she was such a sweet little soul and didn’t want to reveal any cause for alarm. Cancer dogs do not have a bad bone in their body. But on the other side, she could also be prone to anxiety and worry, and if she didn’t want to listen, she could be extremely obstinate. All in all, she was strongly attached to her home and loved her secure surroundings and family beyond measure.  

Charlie is a Pisces which is also a water sign. A Pisces dog is even more sensitive than Cancer. Extremely intuitive and loving. Very mellow and happy to just be where his family is. With Cancer, when feelings get hurt, Roxie would go off on her own and pout. With Charlie, he just retreats within himself. These two got along famously because they intuitively understood each other and knew when to be together and when to back off. They shared the gift of emotions which enabled them to understand each other In a rather unique way. And because Cancer is a nurturing sign, she made a great companion for the kind and caring sign of Pisces. 

Now what happens when you mix the Capricorn earth sign which is our newbie, Cassie, with the Pisces water sign of Charlie? I think she will definitely have a nice grounding effect on Charlie, hopefully bringing more confidence to his nature. And Charlie will provide a quiet and calm energy needed by a Capricorn dog. Capricorn dogs don’t do well with hyperactive energy.

Here are descriptions of the zodiac signs as they show up in your dog’s personality.

ARIES – March 21 – April 19: If your pet was born between March 21 – April 19, he/she will have an Aries personality. Expect this pup to have a confident, strong-willed, and assertive demeanor. He/she will definitely have their own mind and will want to do things their own way. Be prepared for lots of activity, playing, and running around. As long as you keep them happy with lots of play initiative, they will be an awesome addition to the family. And if you have always wanted to do agility training with your pup, this is the personality that would love it.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20: Good luck to those of you who have a dog with a Taurus personality. He/she will be headstrong and stubborn, which can make it somewhat difficult when trying to train or control. Plan on having tons of yummy treats to entice them into doing what you want them to. If you plan on taking your pet on trips, this could prove difficult in that this is a dog personality that absolutely does not like any change in his/her routine. But on a positive note, this dog loves to be loved, cuddled and pampered, and is the perfect companion for long walks in nature.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20: If you’ve got a dog with a Gemini personality, this is a pet that can literally outsmart you. Ruled by Mercury, they are curious, intelligent and mischievous. Take this one to the dog park as this type is very sociable and loves to mingle. A Gemini pup should be in a fenced in yard because they are notorious escape artists. Always with their nose to the ground to gather more information which can take them to places unknown. 

CANCER – JUNE 21 – JULY 22: If you are looking for a warm-hearted, loving, devoted companion, this is the zodiac personality for you. Cancer pups become very attached to their families and can’t bear to be away from home. So, if you travel, plan on having a pet nanny stay at your house as opposed to a kennel. Cancer dogs also make awesome service animals as they have a level of compassion that tunes into the person who needs them.

LEO – July 23 – August 22: All the world’s a stage and this furry friend wants to be front and center. They love attention and don’t mind being brushed and pampered to look their best. A Leo personality is also very loyal and very protective of the people they love. This is a very courageous animal who would probably step in the middle of anything or anyone trying to be aggressive to a member of their tribe.

.VIRGO – August 23 – September 22: Also ruled by Mercury, this is a very intelligent and dedicated dog. If you are looking for a service dog, this personality would be perfect. They love having a job to do and are very attached to their routines. They are also very dutiful and make excellent guard dogs. This is also a very hygienic pup who likes his/her personal space to be clean and would rather explode than create a mess in their bed or living space.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22: Gorgeous to look at and sweet as can be. A Libra pet is very well-balanced. They want to snuggle and love on everyone in their family without picking a favorite. They don’t like being left alone, so having another pet would be wonderful for this sign. Be aware during training that they can be a bit ADD as a Libra pup can be easily distracted. Please be patient with these tender hearted souls. Their feelings can be hurt easily if you speak harshly. They need lots of repetition and gentle positive reinforcement.  

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21: This is an extremely loyal and dedicated personality and they will often attach themselves to one specific person in the household. It may take some time to gain their trust, but once you do you’ve got a friend for life. They are extremely perceptive and can sniff out anything or anyone who is inauthentic. When they look you in the eye, it is intense. They seem to really understand who you are and will let you know when they are ready to trust you. The Scorpio pup enjoys puzzle toys where he/she can investigate and keep his/her mind active.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21: The pup with a Sagittarius soul is friendly, adventurous, comical and absolutely does not like being restrained in any way. Be prepared to let this one off leash to run free and explore all the sights and smells that nature has to offer (safely of course). They are happiest being outside, so if you love outdoor activities, hiking and traveling, this is the companion for you. Because this is a very freedom loving personality, keep a watchful eye on them so they don’t wander off in their quest for adventure. As for training, let them know what is expected of them and they will give you 100%.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19: Dogs with the Capricorn personality are serious minded and calm, but also smart and good-natured and eager to please. They are the natural workers of the zodiac, so expect your pup to be the star of his/her training class. They are quick learners and don’t forget once they are taught a task. The training technique that works best for this sign is positive reinforcement. They respond much better to rewards than being yelled at for mistakes. They inherently really want to do the right thing. This sweet soul prefers to sit back and observe before jumping into the mix. Make sure you give him/her a good challenge and new tricks to learn every now and then to give a sense of achievement.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18: Aquarian dogs are quite unique little characters. They are not really cuddly and overly affectionate but are super social and love to make friends. You can recognize this little rebel at the dog-park as the one not following the others but leading the chase. This is also the one dog with a social consciousness wanting to help people and other animals. If you have ever seen a dog rescuing someone from a burning building or from drowning in a lake, you have just witnessed an Aquarian dream. 

PISCES – February 19 – March 20: If your dog is a Pisces you have an extremely sensitive and highly intuitive companion. They can pick up the vibe in the room or the energy of other people before you have a chance to take anything in at all. If your pup takes an instant dislike to someone, that is the only caution sign you will need to stay away from that person. They are happiest with their chosen person or people and will be attached like Velcro to your side. These personalities are the most gentle, kind and loving of the pet world. If you are looking for a soulmate who will listen to you, provide you comfort, and follow you from room to room, this is the one for you.


The month begins with Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, exiting the sign of Aquarius and entering Pisces. Mercury, the mythological messenger, will leave behind the energy of Aquarius which has been fast-paced, logical and unconventional, and allow us the time to process things in a more deeply, introspective, and compassionate manner.

When Mercury enters Pisces on March the 2nd, be prepared to experience a more imaginative and dreamy mind-set. Your words don’t just come from you, they come through you. There is a sense of intuition associated with this combination. Lean into this energy for the next couple of weeks so that you can take advantage of the perceptive and creative nature that comes through having Mercury in Pisces.

By March the 18th, Mercury will move out of Pisces and into the sign of Aries where communication, learning, and ideas are again expressed in more passionate, innovative, and direct ways. You may be able to initiate into action some of the creative thoughts that you had when Mercury was in Pisces. However, be aware that listening may not be your strongest gift during the time that Mercury is moving through Aries. You may have to remind yourself that it is important to listen to other people’s points of view in order for you to learn to see things from different perspectives.

Also, during this first week of March, from the 1st through the 6th, the Moon will be in her Waxing Gibbous phase. This is a week to prepare for the Full Moon which is right around the corner. Mercury in the sign of Pisces will be quite helpful in quieting your mind so that you can concentrate on areas of self-development and self-awareness. You can begin to devote time reflecting on the ways you want to improve your life, your work, and your relationships. Focus on the best ways you can progress and grow.

The Full Moon will then occur on March 7th in the sign of Virgo, which is the sign ruled by Mercury. A Full Moon in Virgo reminds us of the importance of being useful and of service to others. You may be in a situation that requires you to mentor another person. Or you just may feel your happiest being busy with your day-to-day routines and organizing life for yourself and others in your family or work environment. Even though you feel amazing being able to help others, be sure you set boundaries so that your good intentions are not taken advantage of.

At the exact same time, a major change is happening when Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters a 2 year transit through the sign of Pisces. How in the world does the “Father of the Zodiac” behave in the watery and compassionate sign of Pisces? Saturn is the strict and authoritative father figure who makes the rules and sets our curfews. He provides structure and boundaries. Teaches us about responsibility and forces us to have discipline and order in our lives. Saturn Is practical and anchored in reality.

Pisces on the other hand is ruled by the planet Neptune. The planet that represents spirituality, dreams and fantasy, imagination, and our capacity for compassion and sensitivity.

So, what can we expect to see as Saturn spends the next 2 years in this sign? Possibly some great things can come out of this. For instance, on a societal level, the way this country looks at and deals with mental health issues. Perhaps the powers that be will get more serious regarding these matters by taking a closer look at what could be beneficial for those struggling to stay emotionally and mentally stable by passing legislation making it easier and more affordable for people to get the help they need in terms of therapy and in-house treatment. Other areas that may come to the surface could be making greater strides in the legalization of cannabis, or perhaps some greater rules and regulations around social media, or maybe something as simple as creating less confusion in your own personal life. Allowing your eyes to be wide open to friends, lovers, your career, or wherever you have the tendency to view things through “rose-colored glasses.”

I highly recommend that you take a look at the area of life in your chart where this transit will be moving during these next 2 years. This will help you to see where you need to be more responsible and to understand the importance of learning everything you are capable of in this area of life. To know and recognize boundaries and to develop discipline and structure. If you don’t know how to do this, contact me or another trusted astrologer for help in breaking it all down.

Venus enters Taurus on March 16th and will be here until April 10th. Venus is in her rulership in this sign which means that she is very comfortable and happy here and has full access to all of the sensual and earthly pleasures that Taurus has to offer. What this means for us is that it is an opportunity for us to do more of the things that we love. To be open and aware of what we are drawn to and to let ourselves enjoy the things that bring us pleasure. Venus puts us more in touch with the beauty of the world around us, as well as the beauty within ourselves. For these next few weeks allow Venus to set the stage for what makes you happy, to allow yourself to appreciate what you view as beautiful, and to open yourself to love, affection, and reigniting the fire within your close relationships.

Again, I suggest taking a look at which house Venus will be transiting in your own chart so that you can see where the emphasis will be in attracting what you want. It may also help you to realize that what you wanted a year ago, may not be what you desire now. It can help you define what you want and what it is that will make you happy.

March 20th signals the start of an amazing week of new beginnings and also a major planetary shift which may be THE most important one of the year and beyond.

On March 20th, we welcome the Spring Equinox. At the same time, the Sun enters Aries. Both the Equinox and the Sun transiting into Aries marks the official arrival of spring and the astrological new year. With this comes the anticipation of what each day will bring and creates hope and excitement that new beginnings could possibly be around every corner. Pay attention to the area of life where your light seems to shine. Look closely at what is going on in your life and where you may possibly be able to find a new purpose in what you are doing.

The very next day, we have the New Moon also in the sign of Aries. New Moons are always about new beginnings and when you factor in the timing with the Equinox, this New Moon is really encouraging everyone to put on their creativity hats, decide on the seeds you want to plant for the year, and be courageous. This is an absolutely magical time for setting intentions for your year. Make your wishes and visualize seeing your dreams come to fruition. This would be an absolutely perfect time to tune into your inner self by meditating on your wishes, then journal about what you want to create. Continue this practice throughout the year for the best results.

Let’s end by looking at that major planetary shift that is happening on March 23rd. For the first time since 2008, the planet Pluto is changing signs and transiting into the sign of Aquarius. This won’t take place all at once. Yes, it begins on March 23rd, but will swing back out into Capricorn on June 11th. It then transits back to Aquarius in January of 2024 until September 1, 2024, then finally moves back into Aquarius permanently on November 19, 2024, for the next two decades. This will be important to remember as we continue to understand the importance of this shift.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, regeneration, transformation. In Greek Mythology, Pluto was Hades the Lord of the Underworld. This is an extremely powerful planet and symbolizes our personal power. He represents the power of shattering and reconstruction. Every time you have been betrayed, lied to, deceived, or had your emotions crushed, Pluto is the planet that gives you the power to go to the depths of hell and come back stronger. This energy is about forcing intense issues into the light for the purpose of self-transformation and soul renewal, hopefully emerging more enlightened and clearer having learned powerful lessons.

On a personal level, wherever Pluto is transiting in your chart is where you will see ongoing change and probably the most profound transformations in your life. Try to use this energy to guide you through your deepest issues without fear, but with a curiosity of how to come out on the other side a more enlightened being. I say, embrace your power and “don’t fear the reaper.” Whatever is supposed to happen will happen for your greatest good. Wherever there is a death, there is a rebirth.

When we look at how it will shift our world collectively, as Pluto leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius, it signals perhaps the end of the rules and structures that have bound our society in terms of social and governmental structures. I think we can all agree that we have been witnessing the collapse of these things as we have always known them. And these changes will not be happening suddenly. It will be a slow and painful process until Pluto stops moving backward and forward and finally settles down in November of 2024. We probably will witness many ups and downs and transformations, not seeing the total fall-out or change until after Pluto has made his final move.

When Pluto enters Aquarius, we can expect to see a new era in terms of societal ideals, hopefully in the transformation of humanitarianism and social justice for the better. Probably many changes involving science and technology. But, it could also indicate some type of revolution. Aquarius is known for not only being innovative and progressive, but also for breaking the rules. In its best outcome, I’m hoping for a more cooperative society. Where we finally understand what works and what doesn’t. When people finally see the inequality and injustice that still exists in our society and we finally make strides to right any imbalances.


Since February is typically the month that we associate with all things related to love and romance, it is only fitting that this month’s article is dedicated to the planet of love and beauty in all of her forms – Venus.

Venus is the planetary ruler of both Taurus and Libra. Venus represents the core essence of the feminine. The Goddess of Love and Beauty. In her earlier origins, she was worshipped as a nature goddess and mother of all on-going creation. She is the embodiment of grace, harmony and beauty, cultivating these attributes through the arts and through her diplomacy and charm. She symbolizes how we attract the things that we love and value, and through her energy, we determine the things we appreciate. Venus expresses what makes us feel good and is inspired when we are in partnership and romantic situations.

The human impulse is to connect with others, and Venus is the planet that helps us form relationships. Her primary function is love in all its forms. But make no mistake, she is also a rejecting planet, having no problem discriminating with whom she forms attachments and who she doesn’t. This is the goddess who taught the lessons of sexuality, desire, and the affections we arouse in others, as well as sorrow, loss, and rejection in love.

In the birth chart, wherever Venus is located, can indicate how we attract the people and things that we love and value, as well as our aesthetic tastes. It shows where we anchor our values.

Since Venus rules both Taurus and Libra, this means this planet also rules 2 different houses in the zodiac. The 2nd house is home to Taurus, and the 7th house is home to Libra. The 2nd house is the House of Self Worth. It represents our financial and psychological resources. It rules our personal money, resources, possessions, and personal values. It shows our self-esteem or lack of, and the things that we find of value.

The 7th house is known as the House of Relationships. It rules marriage, partnerships (both personal and business), cooperation, and our open enemies. It represents pretty much all significant one to one relationships which could include those such as therapist/client, attorney/client, or business partners. It is also about learning how to strike a balance, learn diplomacy, and learn how to collaborate with others. 

Venus transits into the sign of Pisces the day after Valentine’s Day on February 15th.

Venus is in her exaltation in this compassionate and dreamy water sign. This is an especially lovely placement for Venus. When we say that a planet is exalted in a sign, what we are saying is that the planet, in this case Venus, feels comfortable and welcomed in this signs. It's an easy fit and creates an atmosphere where the signs foster the expression of the planets. A comfortable and easy expression of sensuality and beauty is experienced when Venus is in Pisces...Pisces' romantic and sensitive ways foster Venus' need for beauty and sensuality.

Leaving the sign of Aquarius and moving into Pisces provides a softening of the Venus energy, however, Venus loses some of her more independent attitudes about love. In Aquarius, this Venusian energy was more free-spirited, open-minded, and romantic interests were piqued by more intellectual communication with an unexpected or unusual person.

Venus in Pisces is very dreamy and romantic. Just be aware that this combination can fog up your judgment when you are looking at someone special. It is so easy to believe in love at first sight, so take things slow and make sure you are not falling in love with an illusion or what you want this person to be. But being idealistic is also a good thing and allows you to experience love in its most clear and deep form.

Aside from romance, Venus in Pisces can provide an amazingly vivid and creative imagination that seems almost other worldly. If you are an artist or any type of creative, this time period could be the beginning of something special.

In fact, Venus is in a conjunction aspect with Neptune at this time as well. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces which makes this connection even more special in terms of creativity and imagination. If you are an artist, you could find yourself channeling your inner visions into your work very easily. Your senses, inspiration, and intuition will also be heightened during this time. Within your personal relationships, you feel drawn to making even deeper connections.

All in all, during this transit, take advantage of and keep your eyes open for new romantic encounters, strengthen meaningful friendships, look for ways to connect to all things beautiful, trust your inspiration and creative urges, learn to find your own value and self-worth, and be your most harmonious and generous self.

Since Venus helps to define our relationship with others, and also with the beautiful things in life, let’s take a look at what each zodiac sign can expect from transiting Venus during this time period.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Venus is transiting through a very private sector in your chart. Your affections will most likely take place secretly behind closed doors, possibly indicating a clandestine love affair, or if not an actual affair, private feelings of attraction or longing. During this time period, you may also find yourself connecting more to your imagination, spirituality, and artistic urges. As Venus moves into the 1st house later in the month, your love energy becomes more enthusiastic and “out-there.” Look for or act on new romantic relationships, or if you are already in one, concentrate on making that bond stronger.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

With Venus transiting through your 11th house, your focus is in finding pleasure and connecting with friends or social groups who share like-minded interests in the arts, music or other forms of creative expression. Because of your positive nature at this time, you’ll find that you will attract positive people around you. In the area of romance/love, you are looking for that special person who shares the same interests as you, so this would be a great way to meet someone new. Don’t expect fireworks and passion at this point. It is not where you’re at. It’s more about starting slow and building a mental rapport first or perhaps seeing a friend in a whole new way and building from there.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

During this time period, you are likely to find yourself shining within your career or professional life, especially if you are involved in the arts or beauty industry. You are also at your most charming and friendly now, which has those in authority sitting up to take notice. Your reputation right now brings social opportunities through your career sector giving you more opportunities to socialize and network. In terms of romance, you will be attracted to someone who has their act together in their career or has a respectable social reputation.


Freedom, travel, learning and adventure is where your quest for harmony and happiness lie this month. You are looking for fun and romance in new and exciting places. You could very well meet someone while traveling to a new and culturally different place. If you do meet someone new at this point in time, it is more likely to be someone of a different background or educational level who can expand your horizons. You will feel a strong connection within yourself between your creative and artistic senses, your higher mind, and having new experiences that allow you to learn and teach others what you’ve learned. 

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Venus is transiting your 8th house. Love that happens during this period is deep, transformative, and sexual. But, it is more than sexual. It is about true intimacy. Digging deep into those psychological recesses. There is a strong need to be truly intimate with someone. Anyone or anything that comes across as superficial just won’t do it for you. In addition, there is a connection between sharing power and finances as well, where finances could get a boost through your partner or family.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

Venus is transiting through your 7th house which is one of the houses ruled by Venus. This indicates a strong connection to relationships and partnerships this month. Relationships or partnerships started under this transit are meaningful and lasting. You’ll have a desire to be in a committed relationship or to make a commitment. This is the real deal. In regard to other partnerships, either personal or business, this is a good time to consider collaborations, negotiations, and compromises.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Your love language during this time period is through your service to others. It is about showing how you feel through small acts of kindness. It is possible that if you are looking for love, you may find it in the work environment where there may be more social interactions happening at this time. What you can be sure of is that relationships at work will be very harmonious and you will most likely get more appreciation than usual.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

With Venus transiting your 5th house, be prepared to feel your inner child flow through you and to experience a period of creative self-expression. And most importantly, since the 5th House is the house of love, romance and sexual encounters, this is great time to begin dating someone new. This is a time of playful romance. Nothing heavy or serious. Just a time when you enjoy the excitement and pleasure of meeting new people and exploring the dating world..

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21 

The emphasis this month is on the love and appreciation for your home and family. This transit brings up feelings of wanting to create a warm, cozy and safe retreat for yourself and your loved ones. This is the type of love that is speaking to you now. Don’t be surprised if you jump into a home redecorating project to design the perfect space to regenerate your energy and strength and nourish your emotional soul.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

With Venus transiting your 3rd house, you are looking for that special someone who can stimulate your mind and inspire you on an intellectual level. You want more than good looks and sex. You want someone who you can carry on meaningful and interesting conversations with on a variety of subjects. You may just meet that person in your own neighborhood, local coffee shop, or some type of community project or course.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Venus is in your 2nd house which is more about reassessing your worth and what is of value to you. You want to have more foundational and financial security during this time period and spending money on physical things that make you feel good is one way that you compensate. Any relationship that you attract now will be one that makes you feel secure, stable and will increase your self-esteem.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Venus is bringing the attention all on you. You will feel like making the effort to take extra good care of yourself. Maybe a new hair style, going for a massage or facial, getting extra rest, treating yourself to that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. It is all about self-love. This also makes it an excellent time to find love because you are more confident, charming, and a pleasure to be around. The new you becomes an attraction magnet.



The holiday season has wound down and this is the time of year we begin to think about what we want our lives to look like moving forward. It gives us a chance to reflect on the previous year and ask some thought-provoking questions. Were we able to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves? Is our life path moving in a direction that feels positive? Are we happy with our lives both professionally and personally? How can we improve our lives overall this year?

Although I am not a believer in making New Year’s resolutions, I do believe in being open to the change and transition that is bound to come in some way as the planets shift and create new energy. It is more about setting intentions. The question comes down to how do you want to handle life’s changes and also have your eyes wide open for life’s opportunities? Giving these things honest thought helps to move us in the right direction with more clear intentions. We are able to act from a place of knowledge after careful consideration, rather than reacting out of stress and anxiety.

One of the best ways to get started on this journey is to follow the Moon phases and work with the lunar energy during this month. Each lunar phase gives off a different energy and if you can deliberately act in accordance with these cycles, it can help guide your daily life. This article is meant to help you develop a practice that can help you to achieve soul guidance and deepen your intentions for a well-balanced life.

I will also provide you with the Moon Void of Course dates and times. The Void of Course times will be calculated for Eastern Standard Time (EST). When we say the Moon is Void of Course, we are referring to when the Moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. The Moon stops being Void of Course once it enters a new sign.

During this time period, the Moon is sort of just free-floating, without any influence from any other planets. Usually, we don’t even notice this because it is void sometimes for only a few hours or as long as a whole day. Or it can happen while we are asleep so it doesn’t affect us at all. However, it is important to recognize this time period because when the Moon is void, it is not a good time to initiate plans, usually because it is easy to overlook important information that helps us make sound decisions. It can be challenging to focus on anything that requires concentration or is detail oriented.  It is best to stick to a routine or your everyday tasks. It is not a good time to sign contracts, finalize agreements, or make any major decisions. Our vision is totally cloudy and no good will come of anything we try to push through. Keep all those things for another day or even a few extra hours. It is extremely helpful to mark the days and times of the Void of Course Moons on your calendar to remind yourself to take a step back and not push through on something during those times.

Let me begin by listing the eight moon phases.

* New Moon

* Waxing Crescent Moon

* First Quarter Moon

* Waxing Gibbous Moon

* Full Moon

* Disseminating Moon or Waning Gibbous

* Last Quarter Moon or Waning Third

* Balsamic Moon

When you see the term “Waxing” or “Waning” this is referring to what the Moon is doing. During the waxing phases the Moon is moving from darkness into light. This is the phase starting after the total darkness of the New Moon and continues to show a bit of itself every night until the Moon is at its brightest. A sliver more can be viewed each night, and it appears to be growing, until it reaches the Full Moon phase. The waxing cycle symbolizes growth, development, and creation. It is about letting ideas begin to germinate and blossom until it reaches the peak at the Full Moon when there is total illumination and dreams can be realized.

During the waning phase, the Moon is just passed the Full Moon phase when it was at its brightest and fullest. It continues losing light until the Moon can no longer be easily viewed, moving once again toward the New Moon phase. When the Moon is waning, it appears to shrink each night. This is a cycle of release, forgiveness, and gratitude. It is symbolic of shedding the old and preparing for renewal and transition.

The lunar phases are all about the changing relationship between the Sun and Moon during the Moon’s monthly orbit around the Earth. They describe the kinds of energy generated at each stage of the process. If we can learn to use this energy according to the cycles, we have a better chance of creating the life we want.

I am going to walk you through using this energy through the month of January. Aligning with the Moon cycle can help you to understand how the energy of life flows through you. Working with each phase can bring you closer to abundance in your life through knowing when to set your intentions, how to better understand your emotions, when to do inner work, and when to manifest. If you continue this practice it helps you to connect deeper with your soul and heightens your intuition.

Beginning on Sunday, January 1st, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. This is a lovely start to the new year since the Moon in this sign provides a calmness and serenity to our emotional lives. There is a steadiness or a grounded energy with this Moon. The Moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase, which is the last phase before the Full Moon. It will be in this phase until Friday, January 6th. During this week, the best course of action is to concentrate on areas of self-development and self-awareness. You can begin to devote time to personal growth and spend this time reflecting on the ways you want to improve your life, your work, and your relationships. Focus on the best ways you can progress and grow.

On January 2nd we have a Void of Course (V/C) from 5:16 pm until 9:44 pm. It will then enter the sign of Gemini. On the 4th, the Moon is V/C again from 7:08 pm until the next day, January 5th, at 9:15 am, after which it enters the sign of Cancer.

On January 6th, we have the first Full Moon of the year in the sign of Cancer. The Moon is in her rulership in this sign and is very sensitive, nurturing, and caring. Be prepared for some emotional ups and downs and a need to be near your home, your comfort zone and security. A Cancer Full Moon reminds us to learn to nurture ourselves and allow our own emotional needs to become illuminated. It can be a time of enlightenment marking a new path in our self-knowledge and emotional maturation. During this time period until the Moon goes V/C on the morning of July 7th (5:23 am – 9:40 pm), just chill a bit. Take time to just do some odds and ends around the house, have family over, pamper yourself.

As the Full Moon moves into the sign of Leo later that evening, the energy of the Moon shifts, and for the next couple of days you may find yourself feeling more self-confident and you radiate a light.  This is the time to release any blockages around your heart’s desires and anything stopping you from expressing your creativity and passions. Move forward with courage and show up for yourself with confidence. Your intentions could include ways to stimulate your creative projects, artistic expression, and innate talents, as well as ways to enhance your aspirations to be recognized.

On January 9th, we enter the Waning Gibbous or Disseminating phase, which takes us through Friday the 13th. This is the time where we begin to see where our knowledge and wisdom can be shared with others. During this week be open to change and transformation. If you have a message to get out, now is the time. You will want to take this time to share and interact not only through information, but also through socializing, charity work, attending or teaching classes or workshops, and making new friends with whom you truly connect with intellectually. The gift of this phase is learning to integrate new insights into your life and share that knowledge.

The Moon is also V/C on this date between 8:52 pm and 10:15 am on January 10th. Remember that during those hours, hold back on beginning anything new. Use the time to gather your thoughts and organize the ideas or information that you want to share. The Moon is V/C again on Thursday, January 12th, but it is only for a very short time between 6:06 pm – 9:56 pm.

On Saturday, January 14th, the Moon enters its Last Quarter phase through Monday, January 16th. The Last Quarter Moon phase is when the Moon is half in light and half in shadow. At this time of the Lunar cycle, we are drawn inward and away from the outside world and influences. This phase is traditionally about releasing and letting go. Use the Last Quarter phase of the Moon to go deep within yourself during meditation. Reflect on where you have been, where you are going, and why you are heading there. There are lessons here about sensing your own truth and shifting perceptions. It is actually a time of looking back AND looking ahead. You will want to take care of things you have been putting off and work on wrapping things up. This is a transitional time. You may have a nagging feeling that there is more to do before a new cycle begins. Often it is about getting real regarding unhelpful relationships or things in your life, misguided dreams or aspirations, or anything that has been holding you back.

During this cycle’s week, the Moon will be V/C on Sunday, January 15th between 3:40 am – 7:08 am, and on Tuesday, January 17th between 9:27 am. – 12:30 pm.

The Balsamic phase begins on Tuesday, January 17th through Friday, January 20th. The Sun also enters the sign of Aquarius on the 20th in preparation for the New Moon on Saturday the 21st.

The Balsamic phase is the final step in the Lunar cycle. This phase is marked by the smallest sliver of light before the Moon’s surface turns to complete darkness just before the New Moon starts the cycle again. The Balsamic Moon Phase helps to integrate all that is and will be in order to prepare for the next Lunar Cycle. One of the best things you can do during this 3 day period is to rest and let your mind, body, and spirit relax. This is an excellent time for creativity and inspiration and to just let your imagination run wild. This is the time when significant ideas can come up for you and you are able to understand what has gone before. It is about replenishing your energy and spirit in anticipation of the New Moon.

On Saturday, January 21st, we have the New Moon in Aquarius. Emotions will tend to be guided by intellect and a sort of detachment. Aquarius is compassionate, but more in a big picture way. This energy will steady your emotions. You may feel more inventive and progressive with the Moon in this sign. With a New Moon in Aquarius, look for ways to be more innovative and unique with your ideas, to become aware of ways to adopt new trends into your life and follow your dreams, to find ways to support humanitarian issues for the good of others, or wish for ways to promote healthy friendships and feelings of comfortability in group situations. The best way to honor the New Moon into your life is to write down your intentions about what you want to create. Set clear intentions for the month ahead, clarify your goals, start new projects, and acknowledge what has transpired since the previous New Moon.

The Moon moves into its Waxing Crescent phase on Sunday, January 22nd through Friday January 27th. Right after the New Moon, this energy is full of enthusiasm and is often described as “energy with focus.” You are ready to go. This is the time when you actually start to focus on your vision and start to move forward toward actualizing your dream. You absolutely need to let go of any fears you have so that your dreams can blossom. Your challenge will be in putting those dreams into action.

There are also three Void of Course Moons this week to be aware of. On Monday the 23rd from 5:19 am until 12:30 pm, on Wednesday, January 25th from 11:12 am until 1:48 pm, and then on Friday the 27th from 4:01 pm until 6:42 pm. You will be in initiating mode, so make sure you take time to slow it down during these times.

On Saturday the 28th the Moon briefly moves into its 1st Quarter phase and quickly moves into the Waxing Gibbous phase on the 29th. However, during this 1st Quarter phase, there is an element of tension or nervous energy. You will be feeling more confident about your future and willing to take risks. This is a turning point, when something in your life that was in its infant stage now springs into action. Begin the process of making things happen in a new way, but make sure you keep your eyes open for more information that could become available at the next phase. Some type of crisis or issue could come up where you need to work a little harder and will need to make a decision or have some type of challenge where you need to step up to situations that are more difficult. Ambition, self-motivation, and determination will be key strengths for you at this time.

The next day, January 29th, the Moon enters its Waxing Gibbous phase, taking us to the end of the month in the air sign of Gemini. This is the phase where we started at the beginning of the month when you once again begin concentrating on your self-development and self-awareness. A time when you see that life is full of potential. It is time to seek new ways of expressing yourself while you also analyze and try to figure out what motivates others. With the Moon phase now in Gemini, it is a great time to put that Gemini energy to use. Your intentions at this time may include ways to enhance learning, promote effective communication, develop and improve your social skills, or improve your relationships with your siblings, family, or neighbors. During these next couple of days, learn as much as you can about yourself as the Moon moves toward that Full Moon phase in Leo occurring on Sunday, February 5th.

In my opinion, the best way to chart or Moon map is to print out a blank calendar for the month and write each phase on the appropriate dates. Use a journal to track your thoughts and intentions and your guiding goals and principles. Remember that during the New Moon you will want to write a list of what you want to attract, and during the Full Moon what you want to let go. I love to buy a pretty journal that I use specifically for this process, or you can find lunar journals online or in book stores which provide reflective prompts timed to phases that are especially helpful. The best thing to keep in mind is to have fun with this process and be creative. Try this for a couple of months and experience the magic that will come with you intentionally incorporating the Moon phases in your thoughts and actions.

Total Lunar Eclipse and What You Can Expect

This month marks the last Lunar Eclipse of the year. This is a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring on November 8, 2022. The maximum Eclipse will be at 5:59 am EST. Since it is a total eclipse, the Moon will appear to have a reddish or coppery color and is known as the Blood Moon. It is quite breathtaking and I encourage you to step outside to take in this sight.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs only during a Full Moon when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth. The Sun, Earth, and the Moon are in perfect alignment with each other, with the Sun and Moon on opposite sides of the Earth.  Eclipses often open up gateways in the part of our lives being triggered by the Full Moon and can signify the end of a particular phase in our life.

A Full Moon is the high point and climax of the lunar cycle, and because this Full Moon is a Total Eclipse, expect to feel the effects of this cycle even more intensely. The Moon is no longer in darkness, it is no longer growing toward illumination, it is completely and astoundingly at her very brightest. She is illuminating all that was hidden before. All the cards are on the table now. We are able to clearly see all of our ideas and plans. It is time to reap the rewards of all that has been leading up to this point in time. Look back on how far you have come and the progress that has been made.

This is also the phase when it is important to practice releasing and forgiving. This phase encourages a meditative discipline and a willingness to practice mindful behavior, compassion and kindness toward others. When we release control of anything toxic and negative on a regular basis, we ourselves are cleansed and able to interact in the world from a place of positivity and understanding. When we can truly forgive, we can truly move on. It is one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves.

This is the perfect time for inner work, healing and letting go of lower vibrational energies. Once you have acknowledged forgiveness, it is very important to express gratitude. Forgiveness and gratitude go hand in hand. Gratitude is the perfect replacement for all of the anger, resentment, and grudges you were able to let go of, and allows harmony and balance to be welcomed into your life.

The sign that the Moon is in will influence our mood, feelings and activities related to the quality or modality of the sign and the collective tone of the eclipse. Where the eclipse falls in your personal chart will also offer clues about the area of life that will be front and center during this time period. The energy of an eclipse can last up to 6 months or until the next eclipse occurs.

This Lunar Eclipse will be in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. This indicates a time to get down to business. This is a practical and realistic energy. You may feel a great need for financial or foundational security. Taurus is rooted in its relationship to money, the material side of life, and all that we want to manifest and grow for our sense of self-worth and security. This eclipse is symbolic of fruitfulness, productivity, practicality, luxuriance, and fertility. It brings an instinctive connection to nature.

To refresh your memory, this is part of the series of eclipses that occur on the Taurus/Scorpio axis ending next year on October 28, 2023. The opposing Sun will be in the sign of Scorpio, which is a passionate and intense water sign. This cycle is encouraging us to use our will power and passion to manifest our dreams. Venus as the ruler of Taurus, brings determination to our creative pursuits and encourages us to live life through our senses. Pluto being the ruler of Scorpio knows how to transform and shed old worn-out beliefs and habits that are no longer working for us.

What are some of the things we may want to ask ourselves during this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in order to release and forgive and be able to move on?

1.     How do I define my self-worth? Through my possessions, finances, family, relationships, career?

2.     Do I look for my value through materialism or status?

3.     Where have I been feeling insecure in my abilities?

4.     Have I been overindulging in life’s physical pleasures and luxuries? 

5.     How can I appreciate and value my talents and creative potential?

This is the best time to let go of any feelings of unworthiness and be more flexible and open to receiving a newly inspired way of being. Develop a spiritual practice based upon earth-based wisdom such as living in harmony with nature and nature’s cycles, following the moon cycles, or working with plants or essential oils from plants and flowers.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Find a balance between your personal financial obligations and the financial obligations you have with others. Prepare for a change or transformation surrounding investments, money from clients or business, or shared resources with a partner. This eclipse can help you more fully and deeply understand and value what it takes to feel secure and supported in a foundational way.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

This is an important eclipse for you because it is happening in your sign. It is a powerful time to stand up for who you are, shift your persona and style, and be proud of the person you are becoming. The emphasis is completely on self in all ways. However, the Scorpio sun opposition is in the 7th house of relationships, so you still need to take into account your close relationships. This time period will shed light on who you are, who you are within your relationships both personal and business, and who you can ultimately become.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

The emphasis is on nurturing your inner most being and spiritual self and bringing change to your mind/body connection. Since this eclipse occurs on the 12th/6th house axis, combine some of this 12th house spiritual work with the daily routines in your life. Your spiritual journey can be integrated with selected portions of your day-to-day activities. Allow your intuition to show you where you most need self-care.


Since the Moon is your ruling planet, eclipse cycles affect you on a deep level. This eclipse is shining a light on what you have been dreaming of. It is activating your future hopes, wishes and visions. You may feel an emotional need to belong to a group ideal or to receive validation from your social circle. The 5th/11th house axis is emphasized, with the 5th house empowering creative beginnings and the 11th providing a little help from your friends.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

This eclipse shines a light on your life path and direction. These next months will be about focusing your emotional energy on your career and also your home. You’ll be seeking answers to questions about your commitment to your goals, if you are happy in your current role, and where you want to go next. Because this is on the 10th/4th house axis, both career and home are up for transformation. Time to realign your priorities. Change is coming, so now is the time to figure out how to best direct it.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

The eclipse is in your 9th house and it is all about growth and development. This is the house of expansion and higher learning. You are being shown that you have outgrown those more narrow and restrictive thoughts and are ready for an adventure in expanding your mind and spirit. If you are involved in communications or writing, now is the time you may reach a wider audience or secure a publishing contract.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

This eclipse is all about transformation and examining the deep recesses of all topics considered taboo: sexual intimacy, psychological issues, intimate bonding, and other people’s money or resources. Whatever the topic that rings true in this area of life for you, will certainly bring about a transformation or a rebirth on a deep level. The goal is to gather up your emotional courage and turn your deepest fears into constructive accomplishments.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This is an important eclipse for you since it is on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The eclipse is moving through your house of partnerships and relationships, so these next few months will be critical in evaluating your relationships and how you relate to others. Make the most of this time period by practicing the skills of negotiation and compromise. Decide who you are interested in bringing into your life, what you need from others to feel complete, and how you want to structure those relationships to best serve you both on a mutual level.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Your focus during this eclipse period is all about your daily routines, including service to self and others, and your overall health. Release any problems you have had in breaking habits that are inhibiting the daily rhythm of your life. This lunar eclipse is your chance to hit the reset button when it comes to taking care of yourself. The Moon can illuminate the goals we have been working towards, whether it involves the workplace, a health and fitness goal, or a daily lifestyle habit. Find a balance between your daily responsibilities and some quiet alone time to understand what you need on a spiritual level.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

The emphasis is going to be on your creativity and personal self-expression. This eclipse is shining a light on what you truly desire and it is activating the areas of your life that bring you the greatest joy. It is about having fun. This is the time to reap the rewards of a creative project you may have been working on by finally releasing it to the public. Expect to feel more passionate and spontaneous during this time, so go out and play, find romance, and embrace your inner child.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

This eclipse can bring up intense emotions regarding your home and family, and feelings of safety and security. Moving to a new home, renovations, changes in the lives of family members or in family dynamics, or new career opportunities can all develop for you during this eclipse cycle. You may finally come to realize where you truly belong and what connects you to your family and ancestors. It is also a time when you may come to understand the importance of balance between your personal life and professional life.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Your 3rd/9th house axis is being stimulated by this eclipse. For the next few months, your attention is focused on the things that are closer to home and not in the wider expanse of the world. With the lunar eclipse in the 3rd house of communication, you may finally have the opportunity to settle unresolved misunderstandings with close family members or neighbors. Let other people know how you really feel in a way that they can understand and that allows you to be heard. Mostly it is a time for a deeper focus on thinking, observing, learning and sharing information that will take place in your local community or region.

Earth, Wind and Fire... and Water; The Elements of Astrology

I always begin an astrological consultation by discussing the elemental balance in a person’s chart and the importance of the elements in determining the personality of that person, or in the case of a Solar Return reading, the importance they will play in the energy for that particular year.

Most people have little awareness of this subject and the part that it plays in our physical and psychological make-up. Astrology is linked to the cycles of nature and the four seasons, and the elements show how this is all interconnected.

The reason I felt compelled to write about this is because I have noticed that in many instances, whenever I start out with the elemental energies, I pick up on an impatient energy with the client that is zoning out and wanting to get to the “good stuff.” But this is part of the “good stuff” and a perfect way to get an overall picture of a person’s personality, energy, and how they move through life. This is one of the building blocks to understanding the signs and our personalities.

In astrology, the elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water make up the entire zodiac wheel. Many times, there is an imbalance of the elements in a chart, or a combination of certain elements that can create either compatibility or dissidence.

Elemental imbalances occur when a person has either a limited or excessive element present in their chart. In the case of combinations, a person may have two or even three elements in equal number which creates a unique situation as well. The goal is to be aware of what is going on energetically to create a more equal balance in your life. This is also a very helpful tool when you are looking at the compatibility between two people. 

Each of the 12 zodiac signs are associated with one of the four elements and are grouped as follows:

Fire signs:        Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Earth signs:     Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Air signs:         Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Water signs:   Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Even though three signs are grouped under one of the elements, they still present differently within that element according to the personality of the sign. Let me explain further.

The Fire signs all represent a birth of some sort. Their job is to move forward by using their unique inspiration and expression. The main goal is to initiate action. There is no feeling, no pondering, no planning, no thinking of the consequences of action. It is pure “in the moment” expression. Fire signs are the risk-takers, the extroverts, the ones with the energetic zest for life. In Aries, Fire creates a trailblazer. One who needs to initiate and inspire something original in the world. It corresponds with the beginning of spring reflecting a time of new birth. Leo projects Fire with its enthusiasm and confidence. Leo wants to lead in a grand manner or with a sense of drama. There is a pride and desire for recognition with this placement. Sagittarius utilizes the Fire energy to go where no one has gone before. It wants to explore all unknown places and ideas, constantly searching for action and adventure. There is a restlessness in their aspirations.

The Earth signs pick up on what Fire has started. It is the job of Earth energy to put what Fire has inspired into physical form. Its purpose is to find real ways to turn ideas into tangible products. Earth takes the time to do all the actual work that Fire has initiated, to stick to a plan, and be in it for the long-haul. Earth is meant to calm the fire. In Taurus, the focus is on the practical aspects of accumulating a solid foundation for themselves through possessions and resources. Taurus is a natural builder. In Virgo, this energy is all about analyzing, working with routine and structure to make an impact and provide helpful service. Capricorn’s earth energy is about the slow and steady climb to the top through perseverance and an organized plan of action. All of the Earth signs value stability and security in all areas of life. 

The Air signs analyze and judge what Earth has formed and produced. Air’s job is to figure out what Fire has initiated and what Earth is doing to shape that idea into physical form. Air takes a new and unbiased look at what has been developed and judges its worthiness. They ask questions and stir things up. Those with Air signs are the communicators, the social butterflies, the problem solvers, the revolutionaries. Air in Gemini is intellectually curious, light and adaptable. They feel like a summer breeze. In Libra, the energy is relationship driven. It wants to cooperate and find balance in what is being presented. The air in Libra seeks truth and beauty. Aquarius uses its air energy in a non-conformist way. They have a unique way of thinking that gives us our great problem solvers in technology and humanitarian issues. Above all, Air must communicate, share information, interact with others, and influence society in some way.

The Water signs experience and feel what has been initiated by Fire, built by Earth, and analyzed by Air. The purpose of Water is to simply experience without changing or judging anything. There is nothing deeper than the element of Water. It is just pure, raw emotions, feeling and intuition. In Cancer, the motivation is to nurture, to provide a safe and comfortable place to land, and to allow people to feel heard and cared for. Water in Scorpio is more intense. Think of the depths of the ocean and the power of that vast space. This element in Scorpio is passionate, psychic, and deeply transformative. In Pisces, water exhibits in a highly empathic and compassionate way. These are the dreamers, artists, and imaginative souls of the zodiac. Water in this sign wants to connect with others on a spiritual level. It is about learning and adapting in the areas of emotion and sensitivity.

When I am reviewing a chart and I notice someone has an emphasis of Air but very little Earth, it can signal that this person may have an overabundance of ideas, but no place to go with them. They can’t get those ideas off the ground. I would then recommend some grounding activities or principles to help them balance this out.

Perhaps someone has low Water in their chart. This could signify a situation where they find themselves emotionally blocked, emotionally unavailable, or uncomfortable around people who express their emotions outwardly in what they may describe as “overly emotional.” On the other hand, if they have too much Water, this could create a situation where they experience an overwhelm in their own feelings, not able to see the reality of life, or lacking a drive to take action.

A person who is deficient in Fire may lack motivation and zest and will need to find ways to connect to their inspiration.

In all situations where balance is needed, I never leave a client hanging. We always discuss various ways to even things out for the greater good of their emotional well-being.

I love seeing certain elemental combinations in a chart. For instance, when I see equal Fire and Water, I immediately sense that the individual is involved in the arts in some way. This is the mark of an artist – pure passion. Water is the receiving or feeling element and Fire brings in the inspiration.

Mixing Air and Water helps to merge your heart and mind, making it easier for you to express your feelings and understand your emotions.

If you happen to have a mix of three elements such as Fire, Air, and Water, you’ve got a balance between your ideas, actions, and emotions. The logical or mental part of you is able to merge with your heart-center to give you the inspiration to move forward with your ideas and actions in an intuitive way.

I hope that this explains the dance of the elements in a way that provides more meaning when you are reading an article about the planets, signs and transits, or during an astrological consultation.

As written for the October issue of Live, Love and Eat Magazine

Let's Talk Polarities

The subject of polarities has been on my mind lately. Life is really all about this principle. There is always a give and take, success and failure, happiness and sadness, good and evil, sickness and health.

I’ve been thinking about how being aware and accepting of the way opposites function could work for us in a positive way psychologically and result in our transcendence to another level. When we look at polarities in astrology, it helps us to achieve personal growth through working through struggles between one extreme and another. The goal is to find the middle ground and reach balance or to learn important lessons for our development. How do we integrate the opposites to achieve higher consciousness?

There are 12 signs in astrology therefore we have 6 polarities. Each sign always has its direct opposite on the zodiac wheel creating a special relationship between the two. The opposite signs are as follows:

Aries and Libra

Taurus and Scorpio

Gemini and Sagittarius

Cancer and Capricorn

Leo and Aquarius

Virgo and Pisces

The same is true of the houses on the wheel and works in the same way. The house polarities are:

First/Seventh:  corresponds to Aries/Libra

Second/Eighth:  corresponds to Taurus/Scorpio

Third/Ninth:  corresponds to Gemini/Sagittarius

Fourth/Tenth:  corresponds to Cancer/Capricorn

Fifth/Eleventh:  corresponds to Leo/Aquarius

Sixth/Twelfth:  corresponds to Virgo/Pisces

Opposites attract even when they seem to have nothing in common. They actually bring out the best in each other. It is a very powerful connection between the two. One looks to the other to help define areas where there may be confusion. Often, in terms of personal issues, the opposite point is where resolution is found.

Aries/Libra (1st/7th) This polarity is about finding balance between self and your relationship with others. It teaches lessons about valuing your independence while keeping in mind your commitments to others. Since Aries is a very reactionary, passionate and assertive sign, learning to pause and listen before reacting is very important. Include some of the Libra qualities of compromise, cooperation and diplomacy in order to have more successful relationships and life experiences. Libra can benefit by learning to be more decisive and trusting in their own viewpoints without the advice of outside sources.

Taurus/Scorpio (2nd/8th) represents the polarity between personal possessions/resources and those you share with others. Taurus is about being grounded and calm while Scorpio is intense and highly spiritual. Taurus is very pragmatic and very much attached to the physical world, finding their self-worth through money and possessions. The intensity and passion of Scorpio needs to find balance within the serene and peaceful personality of Taurus. Taurus can benefit by learning to use and trust the strong intuitive sense of Scorpio and learn to build deeper emotional connections and find a joy in sharing.

Gemini/Sagittarius (3rd/9th) are all about the mind and communication. Gemini is more analytical and uses the lower mind of logic and reasoning to reach understanding. Gemini is in the moment and intellectually curious. Sagittarius represents higher thought processes, higher education, faith in the big picture of life, learning through listening to their intuition and higher self. Both are restless and are interested in other people and the stories they have to tell. Gemini can learn lessons from Sagittarius on how to go beyond facts and logic and embrace intuitive and philosophical insights. Sagittarius can benefit by applying their idealism and faith in the everyday world using some of Gemini’s logic and reasoning.

Cancer/Capricorn (4th/10th) both value security. However, Cancer needs emotional security while Capricorn needs material security. This polarity is the push and pull between home life and career. Private life vs. public life. In astrology, Cancer represents the mother who wants to put all her nurturing skills into home and family, while Capricorn represents the father who wants to use his supportive energy in success, profession and earning a living. For Cancer, when emotions take over, try incorporating earthly embodiment practices to help ground you in the real world. In the opposite, Capricorn would benefit from learning the stability that home and comfort offer.

Leo/Aquarius (5th/11th) both have ego issues but in very different ways. Leo is ruled by the Sun and is personally driven. Leo believes he is the center of the Universe, a natural born leader, an attention seeker, warm and vibrant but at the end of the day it is all about what is good for themselves first. Aquarius is also a leader but in a more humanitarian way. Extremely independent and intelligent, while being more emotionally detached. For Aquarius, it is about the greater good for the collective rather than the greater good for himself. In order to create balance, it would benefit Leo to let go of some of those self-centered qualities and learn to be of service to humanity. Use their leadership qualities to aid society instead of purely supporting their own personal ambitions. Aquarius can learn from Leo how to look at an individual’s needs instead of the big picture all the time. It is important to step into the spotlight from time to time and give themselves credit every now and then.

Virgo/Pisces (6th/12th) reflect the elemental energies of earth and water. These two signs both reflect the desire to be of service to others. However, Virgo wants to serve in an earthy, grounded, and practical way. Virgos often gets lost in the details and get so caught up in achieving goals and manifesting that they forget about a vision. Pisces is more about selfless service in a watery, spiritual way. They can be too dreamy and get lost in their intuition and imagination. Virgo would do well to work on incorporating some of Pisces qualities such as intuition, emotional sensitivity and imagination in order to enlighten themselves about the things that are not always seen. Using a disciplined approach through guided mediations would bring good results to begin moving in this direction. Pisces could do with some reality checks by incorporating more organizational and practical applications to their lives. If Pisces could include these traits with those of their imagination, they could more easily manifest their visions.

Although this is a very basic article introducing polarities in astrology, I find it can be a thought-provoking way to recognize negative behavior patterns and work on changing our thinking and moving our lives in a different direction.

As written for September 2022 issue of Live, Love and Eat Magazine


As you have probably figured out, I write a lot about the Moon, the phases, and how each phase affects our lives. Following the cycle of the Moon is a powerful way to connect with our energy, and an invaluable way in which we can organize our life to its fullest advantage. Getting in touch with her cycles helps to remind us that we are all a part of something so much bigger than ourselves.

I use the New Moon and Full Moon phases in my monthly horoscope predictions, usually focusing on the houses or areas of life that the Moon is inhabiting at those times of the month.

The one area I haven’t discussed is what it means when the New and Full Moons are in the different zodiac signs and how amazing it is to work with the energy of each sign that the Moon is in. I am going to take a journey through each sign and share specific ways to word intentions based on the energy of that particular Moon sign. I always find it much more powerful to perform a New or Full Moon meditation before I write down my intentions. When you handwrite your intentions during a New Moon, you are letting the Universe know your desires and you will begin to see the manifestation of your dreams. When you align with the New Moon to put your desires and dreams out there, you are activating the Law of Attraction.

During a Full Moon you will learn the things that you need to release control of, discover where forgiveness is needed and the things you are grateful for, and you may see the results of your intentions begin to manifest. If something hasn’t worked out, release it in love, and be grateful for all the good things in your life.

 The Moon moves so quickly we barely have time to register how we feel. We are very used to her movement. The Moon orbits one full turn around the Earth in 28 days and passes through each of the Zodiac signs for about 2 to 2 1/2 days. The sign of the Moon on any given day will transmit a very subtle emotional feeling. It is sometimes hard to put our finger on why we feel different on certain days, but there is something there. Almost a background vibration. Which is why I will just focus on the New and Full Moons in this article.

First, as a general explanation to describe the collective tone of a Moon phase we can look at the modality of the sign. Is it Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable? The modalities refer to the behavioral style of the sign. The modality of the Moon’s sign will have greater influence over how you process or react to anything emotionally driven.

The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. We automatically will know these are action moons. These signs like to take charge, show leadership, and are initiating and enterprising. We can expect to feel this energy as part of our behavior for the month.

The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. This suggests the energy will be more serious, focusing on responsibility and practical matters. This is a time to take of business and show our reliability.

The Mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. The energy of the Moon in a mutable sign will be all about variety, change, a flurry of thoughts and ideas, spontaneity, and enthusiasm. We will tend to feel more flexible and social.

Now that we know the overall tone of each sign, let’s look deeper at the individual sign and what it means when I write about the Moon in Aries, or Taurus, or any of the other 10 zodiac signs.

Moon in Aries:  Brings courage, independence, a time to initiate something new in our lives. This would be the time to put yourself out there in the world and engage in the things that encourage actions regarding who you want to be and how to get there. With a New Moon in Aries, you may want your intentions to include high energy initiatives, intentions that would further self-discovery that would lead to personal growth or wishes that give you courage and strength to use your leadership qualities to pursue your dreams. With a Full Moon in Aries, you are being asked to align with your true self and release any old versions of yourself that may be holding you back from your life’s purpose.

 Moon in Taurus:  Provides a calmness and serenity to our emotional lives. There is a steadiness or a grounded energy with this Moon. This is a time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, to concentrate on the beauty surrounding you, and to pamper yourself a bit. It is also a good time to re-evaluate how you stand with your finances and possessions and discover what you truly value. With a New Moon in Taurus, your intentions could include ways to appropriately create financial independence or provide clarity in handling your resources, ways to appreciate and feel gratitude for the blessings in your life that bring in more love and joy, or intentions to increase your self-worth, determination, and self-acceptance. A Taurus Full Moon wants you to release any behaviors that may have created self-indulgence. Have you been eating too much, NOT exercising enough, spending too much money? Find a balance and get grounded in a plan to bring beauty and abundance into your life without overdoing it.

Moon in Gemini: Everything is about intellectualizing. There is a need to communicate our feelings and moods. This is a time that brings in more socialization and a desire for lots of mental stimulation. With a New Moon in Gemini, your intentions may include ways to enhance learning, promote effective communication, develop and improve your social skills, or improve your relationships with your siblings, family, or neighbors. A Gemini Full Moon is asking you to slow down and find a balance between wanting to know everything about everything and taking the time to really learn something useful that will help you on your life’s path.

Moon in Cancer: The Moon is in her rulership in this sign and is very sensitive, nurturing and caring. Be prepared for some emotional ups and downs and a need to be near your home, your comfort zone and security. With a New Moon in Cancer, your intentions should include ways to strengthen your personal foundations of home and family, ways to increase feelings of safety and security, ways to increase emotional closeness and caring within personal relationships, and positive ways to nurture and be nurtured. A Cancer Full Moon reminds us to learn to nurture ourselves and allow our own emotional needs to become illuminated. It can be a time of enlightenment marking a new path in our self-knowledge and emotional maturation.

Moon in Leo:  This sign brings out our warm and generous emotions, as well as our passions and creativity. This Moon wants us to shine our light, have fun, be recognized. This is a time when you will have more self-confidence and radiate a strength of purpose. With a New Moon in Leo, if you are looking for love, this is the time to ask for a healthy, happy and fun romantic relationship. Your wishes could also include ways to stimulate your creative projects, artistic expression, and innate talents, as well as ways to enhance your desire to be recognized and take center stage. A Leo Full Moon is the time to release any blockages around your heart’s desires and anything stopping you from expressing your creativity and passions. Move forward with courage and show up for yourself with confidence.

Moon in Virgo:  Virgo brings more caution to our emotional state. It is more difficult to show how we feel, and we may do this through acts of service to others. This is a time when we may show our feelings through being that person in the background keeping everyone on point through organization and routine. With a New Moon in Virgo your intentions could include ways to create a healthier lifestyle through better diet and exercise, ways to begin creating efficiency and order in your home and life, become more aware of ways to use critical thinking, discernment and problem solving efficiently, or consciously be able to feel satisfaction through service to others. A Virgo Full Moon is all about self-forgiveness. To forgive yourself for the ways you perceive your imperfections, the mistakes you felt you made, the areas where you expect too much of yourself, so that you can move forward with self-love and align with your true gifts that you can share with the collective.

Moon in Libra:  This sign has strong emotional attachments to intellectual and artistic activities. Anything too deep and disturbing does not bode well with Libra. They like everything balanced, peaceful and harmonious in their lives. There is a fairness and beauty to everything attached to this sign. With a New Moon in Libra, your wishes could include attracting, creating and having happiness, love, respect and passion in a committed and monogamous relationship. It could also include anything to do with promoting fairness and equality, creating beauty, attracting sociability with others, or attracting more elegance in your life. A Libra Full Moon wants us to find peace and balance within all of our relationships, both personal and business. Reflect on how the people in your life are supporting you and how you are supporting them. Decide on which relationships need some adjustment and which ones need to be released. You’ll want to move forward with those you want in your life to support your growth, encourage your creativity, and help you enjoy life, and vice versa.

Moon in Scorpio:  Scorpio provides powerful feelings of intuition, intense emotions of love bordering on a need to completely merge with another, and deep emotional sensitivities. A Scorpio Moon can bring out your secretive side. With a New Moon in Scorpio your intentions could include asking for positive transformations and empowerment to promote psychological healing, you may want to include right ideas to improve your intimate relationships, or perhaps finding ways to successfully manage financial partnerships, debts, loans, or financial negotiations. A Scorpio Full Moon is all about shadow work. This is the time to look beneath the surface of your psyche, face your deepest fears and blockages, and take control of your life and personal behaviors. This gives you an amazing ability to transform and empower yourself.

Moon in Sagittarius: Such a happy placement. It brings feelings of enthusiasm, the quest for new adventures, the search for higher truths, and the desire to expand our horizons. The feeling is that of the glass being half full instead of half empty. No matter the difficulties of life, there is still hope of a brighter tomorrow. With a New Moon in Sagittarius, your wishes may include your desire to enlist a Higher Power in your life direction, intentions to include spontaneity and freedom to experience positive adventures and exciting travel in your life, ways to enhance higher education or accepting more philosophical points or view, or perhaps finding a mentor to help you on your journey. A Sagittarius Full Moon is a good time to reflect on the times when optimism and faith worked in your favor. Release any attitudes that are blocking your hidden truths and be open to opportunities that will allow you to pursue the things that will uplift your soul.

Moon in Capricorn:  Brings a serious and responsible vibration. This sign likes to have a very stable and drama free emotional life. You may feel more ambitious and goal oriented during a Capricorn Moon. With a New Moon in this sign, you may want to focus your intentions on preparing for the future such as retirement plans, sensible finance decisions and so forth. You also could wish for mature and responsible behavior within your relationships, in achieving professional success and recognition or gaining clarity on your professional goals and career. A Capricorn Full Moon is all about centering your energy and releasing any heaviness you may have been carrying. It is time to balance your outside world with your inside world and bring in the emotional nurturance of home and family that provide a different kind of security and structure.

Moon in Aquarius:  Emotions tend to be guided by intellect and a sort of detachment. Aquarius is compassionate, but more in a big picture way. This energy will steady your emotions. You may feel more inventive and progressive with the Moon in this sign. With a New Moon in Aquarius, you may wish for ways to be more inventive and unique with your ideas, to become aware of ways to adopt new trends into your life and follow your dreams, to find ways to support humanitarian issues for the good of others either on a global or community level, or wish for ways to promote healthy friendships and feelings of comfortability in group situations. An Aquarius Full Moon is the time to reflect on any friendships or groups of people who are no longer vibrating with your soul purpose. Find a way to begin networking with others who share a common goal and provide support to your dreams for the future.

Moon in Pisces:  This is a highly sensitive, intuitive and compassionate energy. Inspiration and creativity will be a driving factor with everything you do. It can inspire strong feelings of faith and spirituality, or some may find ways to escape the intensity of emotions through drugs or alcohol. With a New Moon in Pisces, your intentions could include ways to support your psychic sensitivities at this time and increase your connection to source/spirit, to trust in a High Power to guide your life and enable you to make right choices, to have an easier time focusing on things that bring inner peace such as meditation, journaling, yoga, or nature activities, or to be open to creating artistically with the support and help of spirit/angels. A Pisces Full Moon wants you to release any and all things that are clouding your vision or judgement. Allow your creative visions and ideas to flow and know that your gifts and creations are valuable assets just waiting to be manifested.

When we follow the phases of the Moon, it enables us to understand how best to utilize our energy each month. Each phase brings its own flavor and guidance to our lives. Eclipses bring their own unique perspective for a longer period of time. By just finding out the phase you were born under brings a greater understanding to your purpose for being, then following each phase through a certain time period in your life can show the evolution of your story and its timing. It takes much longer than a month to flesh out a full cycle in your life. And of course, there are the lunar progressions, which is another level of the story. Just know that our lives our divinely guided and be open to the magic.

This month’s Full Moon occurs on July 13th in the sign of Capricorn followed by the New Moon in Leo on July 28th.  You can start thinking about the adjustments you would like to make according to the information you now have available to you.  

As an added bonus, Jupiter goes retrograde in Aries on the same day as the New Moon, so this is a good time to develop any personal talents you have or to work on self-improvement projects. Jupiter retrograde in combination with the New Moon in Leo is a big factor in being able to reassess what inspires and motivates you, what your beliefs and values are, and where you find meaning in your life. It is a time to come to a realization of what your core desires are and work toward manifesting those wishes when Jupiter stations direct again in November. Take the time to fully fine-tune your ideas so that you can finally execute them.

(As appearing in July 2022 edition of Live, Love and Eat Magazine