Total Lunar Eclipse and What You Can Expect

This month marks the last Lunar Eclipse of the year. This is a Total Lunar Eclipse occurring on November 8, 2022. The maximum Eclipse will be at 5:59 am EST. Since it is a total eclipse, the Moon will appear to have a reddish or coppery color and is known as the Blood Moon. It is quite breathtaking and I encourage you to step outside to take in this sight.

A Lunar Eclipse occurs only during a Full Moon when the Moon passes into the shadow of the Earth. The Sun, Earth, and the Moon are in perfect alignment with each other, with the Sun and Moon on opposite sides of the Earth.  Eclipses often open up gateways in the part of our lives being triggered by the Full Moon and can signify the end of a particular phase in our life.

A Full Moon is the high point and climax of the lunar cycle, and because this Full Moon is a Total Eclipse, expect to feel the effects of this cycle even more intensely. The Moon is no longer in darkness, it is no longer growing toward illumination, it is completely and astoundingly at her very brightest. She is illuminating all that was hidden before. All the cards are on the table now. We are able to clearly see all of our ideas and plans. It is time to reap the rewards of all that has been leading up to this point in time. Look back on how far you have come and the progress that has been made.

This is also the phase when it is important to practice releasing and forgiving. This phase encourages a meditative discipline and a willingness to practice mindful behavior, compassion and kindness toward others. When we release control of anything toxic and negative on a regular basis, we ourselves are cleansed and able to interact in the world from a place of positivity and understanding. When we can truly forgive, we can truly move on. It is one of the healthiest things we can do for ourselves.

This is the perfect time for inner work, healing and letting go of lower vibrational energies. Once you have acknowledged forgiveness, it is very important to express gratitude. Forgiveness and gratitude go hand in hand. Gratitude is the perfect replacement for all of the anger, resentment, and grudges you were able to let go of, and allows harmony and balance to be welcomed into your life.

The sign that the Moon is in will influence our mood, feelings and activities related to the quality or modality of the sign and the collective tone of the eclipse. Where the eclipse falls in your personal chart will also offer clues about the area of life that will be front and center during this time period. The energy of an eclipse can last up to 6 months or until the next eclipse occurs.

This Lunar Eclipse will be in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. This indicates a time to get down to business. This is a practical and realistic energy. You may feel a great need for financial or foundational security. Taurus is rooted in its relationship to money, the material side of life, and all that we want to manifest and grow for our sense of self-worth and security. This eclipse is symbolic of fruitfulness, productivity, practicality, luxuriance, and fertility. It brings an instinctive connection to nature.

To refresh your memory, this is part of the series of eclipses that occur on the Taurus/Scorpio axis ending next year on October 28, 2023. The opposing Sun will be in the sign of Scorpio, which is a passionate and intense water sign. This cycle is encouraging us to use our will power and passion to manifest our dreams. Venus as the ruler of Taurus, brings determination to our creative pursuits and encourages us to live life through our senses. Pluto being the ruler of Scorpio knows how to transform and shed old worn-out beliefs and habits that are no longer working for us.

What are some of the things we may want to ask ourselves during this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in order to release and forgive and be able to move on?

1.     How do I define my self-worth? Through my possessions, finances, family, relationships, career?

2.     Do I look for my value through materialism or status?

3.     Where have I been feeling insecure in my abilities?

4.     Have I been overindulging in life’s physical pleasures and luxuries? 

5.     How can I appreciate and value my talents and creative potential?

This is the best time to let go of any feelings of unworthiness and be more flexible and open to receiving a newly inspired way of being. Develop a spiritual practice based upon earth-based wisdom such as living in harmony with nature and nature’s cycles, following the moon cycles, or working with plants or essential oils from plants and flowers.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Find a balance between your personal financial obligations and the financial obligations you have with others. Prepare for a change or transformation surrounding investments, money from clients or business, or shared resources with a partner. This eclipse can help you more fully and deeply understand and value what it takes to feel secure and supported in a foundational way.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

This is an important eclipse for you because it is happening in your sign. It is a powerful time to stand up for who you are, shift your persona and style, and be proud of the person you are becoming. The emphasis is completely on self in all ways. However, the Scorpio sun opposition is in the 7th house of relationships, so you still need to take into account your close relationships. This time period will shed light on who you are, who you are within your relationships both personal and business, and who you can ultimately become.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

The emphasis is on nurturing your inner most being and spiritual self and bringing change to your mind/body connection. Since this eclipse occurs on the 12th/6th house axis, combine some of this 12th house spiritual work with the daily routines in your life. Your spiritual journey can be integrated with selected portions of your day-to-day activities. Allow your intuition to show you where you most need self-care.


Since the Moon is your ruling planet, eclipse cycles affect you on a deep level. This eclipse is shining a light on what you have been dreaming of. It is activating your future hopes, wishes and visions. You may feel an emotional need to belong to a group ideal or to receive validation from your social circle. The 5th/11th house axis is emphasized, with the 5th house empowering creative beginnings and the 11th providing a little help from your friends.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

This eclipse shines a light on your life path and direction. These next months will be about focusing your emotional energy on your career and also your home. You’ll be seeking answers to questions about your commitment to your goals, if you are happy in your current role, and where you want to go next. Because this is on the 10th/4th house axis, both career and home are up for transformation. Time to realign your priorities. Change is coming, so now is the time to figure out how to best direct it.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

The eclipse is in your 9th house and it is all about growth and development. This is the house of expansion and higher learning. You are being shown that you have outgrown those more narrow and restrictive thoughts and are ready for an adventure in expanding your mind and spirit. If you are involved in communications or writing, now is the time you may reach a wider audience or secure a publishing contract.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

This eclipse is all about transformation and examining the deep recesses of all topics considered taboo: sexual intimacy, psychological issues, intimate bonding, and other people’s money or resources. Whatever the topic that rings true in this area of life for you, will certainly bring about a transformation or a rebirth on a deep level. The goal is to gather up your emotional courage and turn your deepest fears into constructive accomplishments.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This is an important eclipse for you since it is on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. The eclipse is moving through your house of partnerships and relationships, so these next few months will be critical in evaluating your relationships and how you relate to others. Make the most of this time period by practicing the skills of negotiation and compromise. Decide who you are interested in bringing into your life, what you need from others to feel complete, and how you want to structure those relationships to best serve you both on a mutual level.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Your focus during this eclipse period is all about your daily routines, including service to self and others, and your overall health. Release any problems you have had in breaking habits that are inhibiting the daily rhythm of your life. This lunar eclipse is your chance to hit the reset button when it comes to taking care of yourself. The Moon can illuminate the goals we have been working towards, whether it involves the workplace, a health and fitness goal, or a daily lifestyle habit. Find a balance between your daily responsibilities and some quiet alone time to understand what you need on a spiritual level.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

The emphasis is going to be on your creativity and personal self-expression. This eclipse is shining a light on what you truly desire and it is activating the areas of your life that bring you the greatest joy. It is about having fun. This is the time to reap the rewards of a creative project you may have been working on by finally releasing it to the public. Expect to feel more passionate and spontaneous during this time, so go out and play, find romance, and embrace your inner child.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

This eclipse can bring up intense emotions regarding your home and family, and feelings of safety and security. Moving to a new home, renovations, changes in the lives of family members or in family dynamics, or new career opportunities can all develop for you during this eclipse cycle. You may finally come to realize where you truly belong and what connects you to your family and ancestors. It is also a time when you may come to understand the importance of balance between your personal life and professional life.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Your 3rd/9th house axis is being stimulated by this eclipse. For the next few months, your attention is focused on the things that are closer to home and not in the wider expanse of the world. With the lunar eclipse in the 3rd house of communication, you may finally have the opportunity to settle unresolved misunderstandings with close family members or neighbors. Let other people know how you really feel in a way that they can understand and that allows you to be heard. Mostly it is a time for a deeper focus on thinking, observing, learning and sharing information that will take place in your local community or region.