This article concludes my 4-part series introducing the planets and how they affect us in our lives. This last group of planets to discuss are the “Outer Planets.” They are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

These planets are the farthest away and take the longest to orbit around the Sun. When they transit your chart, they stick around for a good long while.  Not only do they exert a major influence on our individual personal lives, but also on the world and what is happening in society. They speak to all the guiding energy on this planet.

In modern astrology, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. This planet spends about 7 years in each sign and takes approximately 84 years to complete one revolution around the zodiac. So, once Uranus has moved through a certain house or area of your chart, you are not likely to experience Uranus’ energy in that area again during your lifetime.

Uranus is known as the rebel of the zodiac. The energy or attitude of this planet is one of, “no matter the consequences, rules are made to be broken.” Everyone has Uranus somewhere in their chart and it shows where you dare to be different and how you exert your independence and personal freedom. It provides you with your uniqueness and the ability to cut through limitations and rigidity to liberate yourself from the mundane and old worn-out patterns.

The house or area of life where Uranus is positioned in your birth chart shows where you can break free from social conventions and march to the tune of your own drummer. This is where your inner rebel lives. Embrace your creativity and your unique nature. Take some risks to express your true individuality.

On a global level, Uranus is the planet of originality, inventions, cutting edge technology, revolutions, innovations, and future events. It also rules environmental disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Uranus will overturn anything traditional that has outlived its usefulness. Its job is to break down older, archaic structures and create a new inventive paradigm. It works by expanding social consciousness, encouraging free will and an independent state of mind. It is not so much about the individual, but more about the whole of humanity and the best thing for the well-being of society.

While Uranus produces wake-up calls, sudden shake-ups, and flashes of intuitive genius, our next planet, Neptune, represents spirituality, dreams and fantasy, imagination, and our capacity for compassion and sensitivity. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is known as the higher octave of Venus. It allows us to perceive beauty in a more spiritual way. It dissolves boundaries and inspires you to escape from the ordinary and go after what your deepest desires are. Neptune opens you up to inspiration and faith and psychic sensitives. It provides the capacity to use your imagination to dream, be inspired and pursue your search for the ideal.

However, Neptune can also be a trickster. It delights in illusion and can cause confusion by sometimes not allowing us to see the big picture. It creates a deception of sorts, clouding our perception of things, creating a situation where sometimes things are not what they seem to be. During a Neptune transit, you can sometimes feel like you are in a fog. A little disoriented and confused. However, Neptune has a way washing away what needs to leave your life. It dissolves what it touches. I always think of the old saying, “this too shall pass” during a Neptune transit.

The last of the outer planets is Pluto. In Greek Mythology, Pluto was Hades the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and represents death, rebirth, and transformation, as well as personal power. Pluto is extremely slow moving, taking 248 years to make its way around the zodiac, staying in each sign anywhere from 12-31 years.

Pluto symbolizes the power of shattering and reconstruction. Every time you have been betrayed, lied to, deceived, or had your emotions put through the wringer, Pluto is the planet that gives you the power to go to the depths of hell and come back stronger. Its place in your chart shows where you may experience constant turmoil and change but realize that life goes on no matter what. It forces long-buried issues out into the light for the purpose of self-transformation and soul renewal. You come out more enlightened and clearer having learned powerful lessons. There is always a cleansing or rebirth with Pluto’s transformative energy. You must experience the release of things held secret and underground to be reborn and transform. Pluto provides you with the capacity to renew yourself.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Your focus this month is on how best to serve yourself and others in the best possible way. With the New Moon in Virgo in one of your workhouses, making a harmonious connection with Uranus in your financial sector, it’s a great time to work diligently, bring new and original ideas to the workplace, and create a goal-oriented routine. Reflect on ways you may serve others while also taking advantage of new opportunities.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

September brings attention to matters of the heart and your creative passions. This month is all about self-gratification and surrendering to the things that bring you joy. You may find yourself dating and flirting more than usual, or just enjoying a new phase of personal creativity. Keep it fun and light-hearted. Play, create, and express yourself in a way that enhances your heart-center. You are being guided with inspiration to incorporate more love and fun in your life.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

This month you reflect on your family and the stories that have been passed down over the years. It is a good time to focus your thoughts on where you come from and what family means. It’s going to be very important for you to deepen your knowledge of who you are at your innermost soul, understand and value your roots more fully, focus on your support system and how you support others. Exploring these areas will lead to a better sense of self and how you can improve your home and family life.


The New Moon in Virgo is in your communication house. This would be a great time to learn new ideas and skills, speak your truth in a clear way, and brush up on the ways in which you use your written and verbal abilities to get your thoughts and opinions across to others. Reflect on the ways in which you can adjust your communication style to reach and touch more people. Explore new concepts, study a subject of interest to you, experiment with new forms of media, and make sure you really listen to others along the way.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Are you contemplating what your worth is in the world? You are emotionally connected to the things that you value and your need for financial security. Is the way in which you earn money being done to the best of your abilities? This month may bring new projects or endeavors to help increase your income, or perhaps a new investment opportunity. The New Moon is in a positive connection with Uranus in your 10th house of career and reputation, so this is an ideal time to allow your intuition to guide you as you take advantage of new prospects.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This is a powerful New Moon for you. It’s all about a new you and how you intend to embrace your true identity. It’s actually a re-birth for you. You are being asked to reinvent yourself in some personal way. It’s all about the image you present to the world. This is the time for self-improvement and self-development. Change the way you see yourself, let go of limiting beliefs you may have, and transform yourself into the person you want others to see. Focus on what makes you feel personally fulfilled and allow yourself to blossom as the energy unfolds.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Your focus turns inward this month as you feel the need for more solitude. This is not a time for high energy, but a time to reflect on your life, to dream, and to allow your imagination to flow with creative inspiration. With the Moon trine Uranus in your 8th house, your mind and intuition are awakened, enabling you to respond to a higher state of awareness. Use this time to engage with your more spiritual side by doing things like yoga and meditation. This will help not only open your mind, but also calm your mind and enable you to get closer to your core self.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This month is about fostering new friendships or joining a new group or network that can provide recognition for your work or a project that you are involved with. Align your efforts with those that share your ideals. This can bring a sense of belonging within a group of friends who are all sharing a common goal. It can also help grow your following if you are looking to manifest an independent vocation. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that involve networking, making connections with others, and joining or strengthening ties in a group project/activity possibly tied to humanitarian causes.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Your career, public reputation or goals for professional progress are highlighted this month. Think about your future and what you really want for yourself. Plan the direction you want to go to achieve your ambitions and goals. The New Moon in your 10th house provides you with a sense of renewal with regards to your career objectives. It is a time to focus on the components of your personality that you are projecting as a professional. You are gifted at this time with great emotional strength and control which will enhance your leadership abilities.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

With the New Moon in your 9th house, you may feel a desire to expand beyond the ordinary. Create a new awareness in your life by reading or learning about different philosophies or spiritual perspectives. You need an adventure. If you can’t take off for Morocco, choose an adventure that takes you away from the humdrum routines in your life. You can still experience it through voyaging through the exploring the doctrines of different religions, cultures, and exotic places. Learn a new language, do a personal development course, initiate new projects or activities that expand your mind and stretch your imagination. 

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Your intuition is heightened, providing you the opportunity to begin to step more into your power.  Allow yourself to become deeply introspective and investigative your fears surrounding how much power and balance exist between yourself and your personal relationships. The purpose is for you to bring to the surface anything hidden in your psyche. If there is something you have been avoiding, you must bring it into the light and exert your will to guide your future to one of your choosing. This is also a time of deep reflection regarding issues of intimacy and any power struggles in this area.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

This month the focus will revolve around relationships and partnerships. It is about the “other” in your life. You may experience a new relationship story getting ready to unfold, or perhaps you will bring a new aspect into an existing relationship, taking things to a new level. Pay attention to how you relate to your partner. Can you improve on your communication style when discussing sensitive subjects? Are you giving more than you are getting, or vice versa? Is there a gap between what you have and what you want in your relationship? Take this time to set intentions to nurture and create a deeper emotional connection with your partner.


To this point, I have covered the luminaries and the personal planets in this four-part mini-series. These next planets are two of my favorites, Jupiter and Saturn. Whenever I do a chart reading for someone, towards the conclusion of the reading, I always include a look at transiting Jupiter and Saturn in terms of forecasting where their opportunities and challenges may currently be. Let me explain about these very social, but very different planets.

As previously discussed, each planet in the solar system represents a different set of qualities and characteristics, and rule over a different part of our lives with each bringing their own unique energy and direction. I like to think of the planets as characters, each with different personalities, goals, interests, and jobs.

Jupiter and Saturn are known as the “social planets” because they control personal and social relations. They link us to society and have an impact on how we relate to the world. These planets are very important in understanding our role on this earth, the formation of our sense of social purpose and direction, and our search for achievement in the world. They are the planets most concerned with professional development and our pursuit of success.

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and considered the “larger than life” planet or the great Benefactor planet. Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius. In Greek mythology, Jupiter was Zeus, King of the Gods. I tend to think of Jupiter as “Santa Claus” because he provides us with abundance and good fortune in our lives. There is a huge generosity to this planet’s energy, bordering on extravagance. It represents luck, fortune, success, and a force for good in world. Due to the freedom associated with this planet, it is easy to over-expand and we can have trouble putting the brakes on too much of a good thing.

This planet symbolizes meaning, truth and growth. It gives us our belief system and where we find the value and purpose in our lives, as well as the ability to grow spiritually. Jupiter enables us to broaden our horizons and provides opportunities for expansion which are available in the area of life where you find it in your birth chart. It helps us find opportunities to expand our personal goals and our pathway toward success regarding the future.

In transit, Jupiter shows where you expand your life in new ways and have new experiences. In a solar return chart, which is a birth chart of a new year in your life that runs from birthday to birthday, Jupiter shows where you will experience it’s expansive and abundant energy and opportunities for that year. It will provide the needed positivity and favorable circumstances creating your “gift” for the year. You may choose to use these gifts for personal purposes or choose to apply the knowledge and opportunities provided by Jupiter for the good of society and share your good fortune with others.

Where Jupiter describes the opportunities experienced in our outer world, Saturn describes the limitations. Where Jupiter expands, Saturn constricts.

In Greek mythology, Saturn was Chronos, the God whose name means time. He was the father of Zeus. He is also known as the “Old Man” or “Father of the Zodiac” and rules old age, maturity and time. Saturn, the planetary ruler of Capricorn, is the ambitious and practical planet of achievement, determination and hard work. I picture Saturn as the strict and authoritative father figure who makes the rules and sets our curfews.

Although many see Saturn as a malefic planet, I view him as the planet that gives us structure and is our moral compass. He reminds us of our boundaries, responsibilities and commitments. Saturn is the planet that teaches us our hardest lessons and forces us to have discipline and order in our lives. It’s because of these rules and limitations that we are able to achieve the most in life. Many times, we are forced to learn things the hard way, but through these painful experiences, we achieve our greatest growth. Saturn represents growth and responsibility, and growth hardly ever comes easily. It is your greatest challenge until you master it, then it becomes your greatest support.

Jupiter’s tendency for over-expansion needs to be curbed by Saturn’s boundary setting. It’s the part of you that really wants to do the right thing even when it is difficult, because Saturn governs “right actions” and motivates us to do the things we don’t feel like doing. Saturn will be a restrictive force, but only until you learn the lessons it has to teach you. Once you have learned this, the restrictions are lifted, and Jupiter is again given the freedom to expand further.

In the birth chart, Saturn shows where we have lessons to learn and responsibilities to manage. We were all born with some sort of blockage, usually related to fear. One of life’s purposes is to break through the blockage by recognizing it and taking responsibility for it and knowing that breaking it requires commitment, self-discipline and time. If we can successfully accomplish this, we achieve a new level of maturity, self-respect and a new level of happiness.

In transit, Saturn spends about 2 ½ years in each sign and can remain for more than 2 years in a house. Transit Saturn shows where you need to become more responsible and mature, where you have work to do, where you can expect to experience blockages and delays, and where you can dedicate your time to overcome these obstacles.

When analyzing Saturn within a solar return chart, it will indicate what your yearly lesson might be and where your challenges during the year are going to occur. It can provide information about additional responsibilities and recognition of any limitations and boundaries. Saturn can be our motivational teacher to push us through.

An example of how Saturn works in our lives can be illustrated by the following:  if Saturn is in the 4th House of a solar return chart, that person will most likely feel more responsibility to their home and family. The 4th House is representative of home, family, security and ancestry. The events that manifest could be anything from having grown children move back in the house with small children from a dissolved marriage, or aging parents who become dependent and need more help and guidance, or maybe this person moves into another home that needs some restoration. The underlying theme is increased responsibility within the family and home during the year.

Jupiter and Saturn seem so opposite, yet they need each other. When they combine their energies, they create a perfect stop and go combination. When Jupiter wants to head off on an adventure and impulsively fly to Vegas for the weekend, Saturn shows up to make sure we don’t gamble away our life savings or end up in jail. Jupiter is the gas; Saturn is the brakes.


 ARIES – March 21 – April 19

This month sparks your creativity and gets your juices flowing. There is a strong connection between your inner thoughts and ideas and creative self-expression. Focus on what you love and where you find your passion so that you can shine your light in a more artistic and inventive way. You feel more magnetic, wanting to present your creative work and receive appreciation for it. This is a time to nurture your individuality and pursue the development of a unique talent. The New Moon squaring Uranus in your 2nd house suggests that any creative activity started can have a positive outcome financially as well.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

August is all about home, family and your emotional needs. Listen to your intuitive self and figure out what will make you feel comfortable and secure. It is likely that you take steps to change your living situation either through beginning the search for a new house or initiating the process of home remodeling or renovation. Feeling at home and a sense of comfort is important and creating a place of retreat that reflects your personality is emphasized. Bring in new energy by clearing things out, moving things around or bringing in new additions. Focusing on your emotional needs will help make these adjustments easier.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

You will be feeling more socially active and looking for variety in your life. In fact, the storyteller in you is front and center, making for great conversations and the give and take of ideas and opinions. You will want to make sure you are getting your messages across in an easy-to-understand way, so this would also be a good time to read up on communication skills or begin writing projects that enhance your self-expression or help you to organize your thoughts. The goal is to integrate your feelings with your thoughts and thereby communicate in a more effective manner.


Are you inspired to begin evaluating your finances and deciding how secure you feel within that area of life? Begin by assessing what is of real value to you and where your self-worth resides. This is a time of new beginnings in terms of how you arrange your life in order to feel financially stable and secure. Look at your spending practices, savings and investments. Do you have a budget plan? Are there new opportunities to increase your income? Make sure you feel comfortable with how much you think you are worth and how you are being compensated for your services.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

With the New Moon in your sign this month, this is your opportunity to shine your light on the self-image you are projecting to the world. It is time to turn a new page in the chapter of your life. Reflect on how you want to present yourself both physically and professionally. It is a great time to set new intentions to recreate yourself; review your appearance, work on your personal development, and decide on how to make the most of your assets. With the Moon making a square aspect to Uranus in the career sector, this is your chance to change the way others perceive you.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This is a very mystical time as you feel connected to spirit and your subconscious mind. These next few weeks are a time to heal and to reflect on everything that has happened this year so far. Eliminate and release all of those things that are stopping you from finding your joy and purpose in the world. The New Moon in your 12th house brings into the light all of the things you weren’t able to see before and allows you to make room for new energy to move in. Paying attention to your night-time dreams is important now. They can provide insight and messages not available to your consciousness. Journal your dreams for insight, begin a consistent meditation practice, or discover new spiritual work to illuminate the answers you are looking for.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

You want to discover and solidify your “tribe” this month. Finding those friendships and group associations that are in tune with your wishes and aspirations can help you to plant your seeds and grow an opportunity you have been contemplating. The New Moon squaring Uranus in the 8th house, heightens your intuition and increases your ability to transform yourself and motivate you to begin something unique and truly your own. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that begin within a new group or organization that can help grow your ideas or possibly bring a benefactor who will help you out.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

The New Moon is moving through your house of career, life path and public reputation. Your soul is longing for more recognition, more responsibility, or simply more meaning and purpose in life. This is the time for a new beginning and the time to start laying the foundation for the changes you want to make in this area, whether it means deciding if you are in the right career or following the right path in life. Focus on how you are projecting yourself to society and as a professional. With this New Moon in Leo, it carries powerful energy for you to shine and make yourself noticed in your professional and life path.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Where and how can you expand on your beliefs and faith? Have you been questioning your philosophies and ideals? This New Moon has you on a mission to open your mind to new possibilities of what you have always claimed to be your truth. This time period is about expanding the mind and your horizons through spiritual exploration, realizing that something greater than ourselves exist. Perhaps you will be interested in philosophical subjects through higher education and higher thought, or in expanding your perspectives through cultural travel. This time period is about looking at life from a broader perspective, being less judgmental and inviting in a more positive and uplifting phase in your life.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

The New Moon is moving through your 8th house, bringing up feelings that run deep and powerful. This time period can bring up psychological and emotional issues within close personal relationships. You may ask yourself if you have been giving away your power to another or carrying around someone else’s baggage. It will be important to communicate with your partner in a deep and meaningful way, as well as to intimately bond on a sexual level. This can truly be a time of empowerment for you, providing you with insight into not only your own, but into other’s motivations and issues of power and control. Trust your intuition, investigate and become more aware of the psychological influences affecting you and your close relationships.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Be prepared for a new relationship story to develop. Your love relationship is taken to a new and more committed level. If you are moving in together or getting married, decisions will have to be made with regard to your domestic situation. The New Moon is in square to Uranus in the 4th house, so issues surrounding family and home will develop. Are you thinking of merging your 2 homes together, signing a contract on a brand-new home, or perhaps making changes to your current residence to accommodate more than one family? In making decisions, keep in mind not only your personal needs, but the needs of your partner as well, making sure you both are on the same page regarding your desires.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Your well-being is the focus this month. If your life has been out of balance, it is time to restore order and organize your life in a positive way. Set your intentions to develop a new and improved lifestyle. This is a good time to make gradual changes to your daily routines, the things you’re in service to, stress management, and above all else, your overall health. Develop a health consciousness toward your meal planning and exercise habits, being mindful that it is something you can realistically keep up with. Make changes to your routine gradually and incorporate them permanently.


As we move on through the cosmos and beyond the Sun and Moon, the next planets to explore are the personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Sun and Moon are sometimes considered personal planets as well. However, I wanted to discuss them separately as “The Luminaries” in my previous article. These planets are called personal planets because they affect you on an individualized basis related to your own personal development and provide you with the greatest degree of freedom of action, free-will, and determination.

We know that planets represent personality functions and urges – the different parts of who we are. They are the activating energies in our birth chart. It is sometimes fun to assign roles to each of our personal planets and imagine how they would get along inside of us. Let’s learn a little about each of these players beginning with Mercury.

Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system, zooming around the Sun in 88 days. He is the planetary ruler of both Gemini and Virgo. Mercury is the planet of the mind and rules all things related to communication and our intellect. In Greek mythology, Mercury was portrayed as Hermes, the winged messenger of the Gods, delivering messages throughout the land with amazing speed and enthusiasm. He gives us our ability to speak, think, learn and reason.

Not only is Mercury the planet of the mind, but he also represents the planet of youth, since it is in our early childhood that we learn to speak and understand information. He is representative of early education, not higher education, and is important in our growth and how we develop our style of communication.

Mercury governs everything we do to communicate both verbally and in the written word, how we go about gathering information and the way we share that information with others. Mercury helps us understand life and make sense of our daily experiences. His position in our charts shows how we think, reason and express ourselves. This planet is very influential in our interaction with others, especially through technology, computers, telecommunications, software, electronics, the media, and all forms of transportation.

I picture Mercury as a slightly mischievous and possibly a bit hyperactive young male, exhibiting curiosity and a victim of “shiny bright object” syndrome.  Mercury does all of our talking for us. Think about how you communicate since this is the first impression people will have of you. Are you direct and to the point, or polite and friendly?

Venus is the planetary ruler of both Taurus and Libra. Venus represents the core essence of the feminine. The Goddess of Love and Beauty. In her earlier origins, she was worshipped as a nature goddess and mother of all on-going creation. She is the embodiment of grace, harmony and beauty, cultivating these attributes through the arts and through her diplomacy and charm. She symbolizes how we attract the things that we love and value, and through her energy, we determine the things we appreciate.

The human impulse is to connect with others, and Venus is the planet that helps us form relationships. Her primary function is love in all its forms. But make no mistake, she is also a rejecting planet, having no problem discriminating with whom she forms attachments and who she doesn’t. This is the goddess who taught the lessons of sexuality, desire, and the affections we arouse in others, as well as sorrow, loss, and rejection in love.

Venus expresses what makes us feel good and is inspired when we are in partnership and romantic situations. My vision is that of a gorgeous Greek goddess in a beautiful Grecian gown, lying on a settee eating grapes and asking Mars to go out and bring her all things she desires. Which leads me to our last personal planet – Mars.

Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries. This energy is action-oriented and assertive based upon our personal desires. He represents the qualities of courage and survival, giving us our energy, drive and motivation. Mars helps us deal with pressure and gives us the ability to face our fears. Through Mars we learn to act independently, to project ourselves into the world, to stand up for our rights and to assert ourselves and express anger when necessary. Where Mars falls in your chart shows how you use this energy and what motivates you to act. It brings drive to the area of life it’s touching.

I picture Mars as a handsome and muscular warrior, with a breastplate, spear and all. Mars and Venus always work together and share a special relationship. The Venus in us projects our needs and wants, and the Mars in us finds a way to assert ourselves to fulfill and satisfy those demands. Venus describes what you want, and Mars describes how you move out into life to get it. Sometimes this works in our favor and sometimes not so much. The best possible scenario is for us to achieve balance between the masculine and feminine energies that reside in all of us.


The New Moon will occur on July 9, 2021, and the Full Moon arrives on July 23, 2021. Let’s see what this month has in store for us based on these two phases.

ARIES – March 21 – April 19

You will be feeling extra sensitive and extra emotional, especially concerning matters centered around family and home. During the first part of the month, your desire to nest is heightened, and you may find yourself reflecting on the types of changes you would like to make in your home. Take some time to explore what gives you an inner sense of security, and then make long-range plans for the future by deciding how you want to reorganize or remodel your home environment so that you can fully enjoy family related activities and feel safe and secure. By month’s end, you’ll find yourself ready to extend yourself to include friends and acquaintances inside your circle.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

The New Moon at the beginning of July has you reflecting on the ways you have been communicating your ideas and messages. This is the beginning of a new way to express yourself. Your mind is being re-wired to learn new ways of getting yourself out there. Perhaps take a class to develop your speaking or writing skills, or maybe develop new ways to promote your truth through social media, podcasts or videos. By the time the Full Moon appears toward month’s end, your ideas should be well-lit, and you will be ready to go public with new career ventures. Promoting yourself at this time will be good for your career, so put yourself out there and let others know of your endeavors.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

You are being called to take a good look at what you value and where you find your self-worth. July begins with you reflecting on your financial status in terms of how and where you’ve been spending your money. If you don’t already have a budget plan, now is the time to create one. This area of life will be undergoing a much-needed reboot. Be on the look-out for new opportunities to increase your income or be open for a new investment opportunity. By the time the Full Moon rolls around, the path to what you want becomes clearer and your perspective shifts, shedding light on how your spiritual and personal belief systems affect your goals for the future.


Your planetary ruler is the Moon and with this New Moon in your own sign and in the 1st house, this makes for a very strong transit. You are used to nurturing others and putting their emotions and needs first. This is a month to put yourself first and reflect upon how you want to nurture yourself. Where would you like to initiate personal changes? This is the time to recognize your own rhythms and to acknowledge exactly what you need and when. Focus on your sense of self and become more aware of what helps you feel personally fulfilled in life. The Full Moon at month’s end will illuminate where these transformations will occur on a deeper level. It will shed light on whatever needs to be released that is holding you back from restarting your life in a more positive and innovative manner.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Normally dynamic and accustomed to being in the spotlight as the center of attention, the beginning of July finds you shining your light behind the scenes and enjoying your connection to the collective unconscious. The part of yourself being triggered is that secret side that you don’t reveal to others. Do some soul-searching and take time alone to recharge your emotional and spiritual energy. This is a good time to tap into your imagination and creativity, as well as a time to clear your mind to embrace any healing modalities such meditation or personal therapy that could be beneficial. This will be important as the Full Moon transits your 7th house at month’s end when you will be focusing on relationships of all kinds. Your inner reflections at the beginning of the month will be helpful as the Full Moon sheds light on the culmination of important one-on-one relationships. This could signal an ending of some sort in the partnership area, or perhaps a transitioning of one phase to another.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

Your focus is on your friendships and social groups. You’ll feel the need to connect and align yourself with those whom you share a common goal or cause. Create a network to strengthen and nurture your vision for the future. Evaluate your present and future dreams and wishes and make sure they are what you truly need and desire. Toward the end of the month, you will be feeling that familiar urge to be of service. This is a good time to implement your plan on how you can best work with a team of individuals to benefit those in need. Make positive changes in your life by working to perfect your daily goals through routine and hard effort.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

This month has you focusing on your professional goals and public recognition. With the New Moon transiting your house of career and life path, your soul will be asking how you can leave your mark on the world. You find yourself longing for more recognition, more responsibility, or simply more meaning and purpose in your life. It is a good time for planning and reflecting on the changes you want to make in this area, whether it means deciding if you are in the right career or following the right path in life. By the time the Full Moon arrives, you will need to take a break from all of this serious pondering. Incorporate some time to have fun and play. Do something using your creative self-expression or spend time with your children. This is when you get those “light-bulb” moments and what you truly desire will be illuminated.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This is a great time to learn something new that will stretch your belief systems and philosophies about how you view the world. The focus is on exploring the bigger questions in life and to seek out where you find truth and meaning in your existence. Venture outside your normal thoughts and perceptions. Expand your horizons by reading books that explore different theologies and perspectives. Perhaps travel to distant places and view different cultures and beliefs. Listen to others who may inspire you to take up a new special interest or further your education. The goal is for your spirit to grow and expand beyond the regular experiences in your life. The end of the month could present you with a feeling of destiny or karma and illuminate how your home and family factor into finding your true sense of security.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

The New Moon transiting through your 8th house will have you approaching this month in a more powerful manner. You may find yourself investigating how to merge your finances or property with a significant other or possibly a business partner. Are you perhaps considering taking out a loan or signing some sort of financial agreement? The way you deal with joint finances this month will be changing. Now is the time to dive deep into your intentions revolving around joint finances, investments, and financial agreements of all types. The end of the month could find you becoming more visible in your community, which could include something being completed or improved in your local environment.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

Your focus this month is all about relationships, both personal and business. The emphasis is on new beginnings in this area, which could be taking the next step in a personal relationship, such as moving in together, getting engaged or married, or entering into a new business partnership. Now is a good time to set your intentions around the relationships you have and the ones you want. Resolve to work on connections that are mutually supportive. This is an opportunity to improve your partnership and plan for the future with another in mind. Your challenge will be being able to incorporate your powerful and strong independent presence with another’s needs and opinions.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Your focus for this month will be around healthy habits and healthy work routines. Reflect on the areas of your day-to-day routine that need to be reset and rejuvenated. Reevaluate how you serve others and how they serve you. Make a commitment to self-care, set healthy boundaries, add some new diet and fitness regimens to your schedule, and make sure your work and life are in balance. It would be a good idea to follow a calendar listing your goals and intentions until you get into a nice, even flow. The end of the month should bring more self-awareness as the Full Moon helps you to see yourself in a whole new light, giving you more understanding into your life's direction. This will be the time you will start to see the results of your intentions.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

This month emphasizes new beginnings with regard to children or the child within you, creative self-expression and all of the things that make life fun. Think of the seeds you would like to plant this month. Is it a new venture? Do you want to try your hand at an artistic endeavor? What is it that brings you joy? The act of creation requires some courage and risk. Focus on the things you put your heart, soul and emotions into. You will also want to connect with others through fun and recreation. Go outside your comfort zone and try new and creative possibilities. The end of the month brings more introspection. It is time to balance your life, take a breather and get in touch with what is beneath the surface.



Let’s take a break from all of the monthly planetary aspects and transits that I normally write about and get a real feel for the planets. The Sun and Moon, which are the two luminaries, as well as the eight planets in our solar system, are the most important components when it comes to understanding how astrology works. The planets represent personality functions and urges – the different parts of who we are. Without the planets, we could not act on the needs of our zodiac signs or experience the activities described by the houses.

I’m going to walk you through a 4-part series explaining who the planets are and how they affect us in our daily lives. This first article will focus on the Sun and Moon.

The Sun and the Moon are the two brightest and most prominent bodies in the sky. Together they regulate our day and night cycles, and in astrology, are the two primary symbols of our personality. The Sun represents our conscious life purpose, and the Moon shows how we act out our purpose in our daily activities.

The Sun and Moon operate together creating a flow of energy where the Moon distributes the light of the Sun in varying amounts every night which is reflected as the phases of the Moon.


The Sun, our masculine force, is the center of our solar system and is the giver of life. It rules our conscious day. The Sun shows our identity, our individuality, our pride and self-confidence. The Sun is who we strive to be and shows how and where we shine our light in the world. Without the Sun, we would have no drive, no direction, and no sense of self. The Sun’s placement in our chart describes where we find our sense of purpose and what we need to do to feel important and develop our life to the fullest. By developing our Sun’s potential, we gain a sense of our core values and soul-intentions to which we must be true.

The sign that your Sun is in is how you express your identity. Even though it is one of the most important parts of your being, it shouldn’t be viewed as an entity of its own. It is your core identity, but not the total sum of who you are. It is always blended with other planets and placements in your birth chart. A complete understanding of your Sun sign helps you to comprehend how you show up in the world.

For example, if your Sun is in the sign of Aries, your energy is independent and enthusiastic. Your soul is that of a leader. You are great at coming up with original ideas, taking the initiative in getting projects started, and utilizing your energy and strength to blaze new trails. You’ll never back away from a challenge and will often take risks that others will not.

If your Aries Sun happens to be in the 10th House, you will flourish as a natural born leader in your chosen career. You will need to have a job that provides you with plenty of diversity, challenges and competitiveness so that you can shine and not become bored. Your self-image is rooted in your public and professional role and the actions you take there.


While the Sun represents the masculine, the Moon represents the feminine, ruling the emotional function of our personality. The Moon is the instinctive and intuitive part of our character. It gives us a sense of safety, nurturance and acceptance. The Moon is our heart and soul and represents our most private self. Our emotions set the tone for our daily lives and the Moon’s influence tells us how we are affected by past memories and how we process those memories. She represents where you have come from, your upbringing, your relationship with your mother and how you feel about the world around you.

I talk a lot about the Moon phases or lunation cycle in my articles as a way of guiding us in our daily decision-making processes.

There are eight phases of a lunation cycle. The New Moon and the Full Moon are the cycle’s high points with six phases in between. The Moon circles the earth every 29 ½ days. The lunation cycle begins with the New Moon. This is when the sun, moon and earth are in alignment, almost in a straight line with each other, with the moon in-between the sun and earth.

During the New Moon, we see none of the moon’s reflected light, so we don’t see the moon at all. This is probably the most exciting part of the lunar cycle. Symbolically, this represents coming out of the dark and into the light. This is the time where we plant the seeds for how we want our future dreams to manifest. It is symbolic of the second chances we are given over and over. Whatever mistakes we have made, the New Moon gifts us with the chance to start over.

Ancient civilizations through the present time, have used these moon cycles as a way to tell the story of birth, growth, fullness, decay, disappearance, with rebirth and growth again (Ref: Finding Our Way Through the Dark, Demetra George). All of life resonates to the rhythm of this cycle, tapping out how we instinctively follow and move to the beat of her music.

On June the 10th, we will experience the first solar eclipse of this year. A solar eclipse occurs at the New Moon when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun. A solar eclipse is a very powerful New Moon that is known to bring intense beginnings and endings. Major growth can happen during this time. The energy of a solar eclipse sets the tone for 6 months or longer, as opposed to a month in relation to a New Moon.


Let’s get an idea of how this eclipse will affect you by taking a look at your horoscope for June.

ARIES – March 21 – April 19
Communication is high on your list for the next several months. You will see an increase in your interactions with others, so brush up on how you are getting your messages across. It will be very important to express yourself and your desires in a clear and concise way. Concentrate on what you need to convey and how it makes you feel. This is the time to take advantage of your increased powers of communication by taking an on-line class in public speaking, writing, or engaging in other types of learning experiences which will have you mixing it up with other individuals in an exciting and thought-provoking way.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20
This time period signals an opportunity that is beneficial for increasing your income. This eclipse can help you with new beginnings in your financial sector, supporting you as you evaluate what is of value and offering a mental picture of your self-worth. The Moon is making a positive connection to Saturn in your career house providing a balance between your professional and personal parts of life which makes it easier to move forward towards your financial goals. The Moon/Saturn connection makes it possible to objectively make good decisions for your future and to reorganize your finances to your best benefit.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20
Because this eclipse falls in your own sign of Gemini, you can expect a period of great change in the area of life that is personal to you. This change will involve new methods in the way you present yourself to the world. It is all about self-improvement and self-development in the areas of your appearance, your image, your attitude, and overall approach to life. Reinvent yourself with a new haircut, a new wardrobe, a mani/pedi, or an all-out total makeover. Make sure you indulge in some self-love. When you look your best, you will feel your best.

Your focus is on the inner or hidden parts of yourself. You’ll feel an overwhelming need to be in solitude and to reflect on your emotions, dreams and the things that make you feel inspired. This is a great time to go on a spiritual retreat, enter therapy, take up meditation or just rest more and recharge your batteries. With the Moon making a challenging aspect to Neptune, you will be experiencing all kinds of emotions that may have you questioning what is real and what is illusion. Just allow yourself to find a place to retreat and get involved with quieter beginnings such as writing or journaling, painting, reading, watching movies or anything where you can use your imagination.

LEO – July 23 – August 22
This is a time of new beginnings in the area of friendships and group affiliations. Reach out to other like-minded individuals who share your dreams of a better tomorrow. Turn your inner restlessness into rewarding contact with others by find a worthy project to get involved with. Broadening your network of friends and associates at this time can lead to new relationships and a boost to your humanitarian and social ideals.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22
This is an important time as you plan for the future regarding your career and professional goals. You are able to understand your personal needs combined with your career ambitions. With the Moon making a harmonious aspect to Saturn in your 6th House, it’s easier to discipline yourself and work hard in developing opportunities for advancement and recognition. Being able to work hard now will be beneficial for you down the road. Your professional goals are now more realistic, achievable, and will help get you further in your job and life.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22
With summer upon us and things beginning to lighten up, you will find yourself feeling more adventurous and looking for a way to expand your horizons. If long-distance travel is still out of the question, develop your inner philosophies and beliefs by going on a spiritual retreat, experience other cultures by trying out a new exotic restaurant, or initiate new activities that expand your mind and provide a new way of seeing the world. The goal is to feel transformed by incorporating new perspectives that take you away from the same old routines of life.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21
This is a period of empowerment for you. It’s a great time to focus on areas of intimacy and looking deep within yourself to acknowledge what your needs are. Issues from your past may arise that cause confusion and emotional turmoil. Try to have an awareness of your own internal motivations while being open to the things that make your partner tick. There is an intensity with this New Moon, especially within your intimate life and your search for finding who you really are beneath the surface.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21
Relationships and partnerships of all types are at the forefront during this eclipse. You will feel a deeper emotional connection to your partner, wanting to strengthen the relationship and be able to share your thoughts and ideas. This is actually a good time to work on all types of relationships that are mutually supportive. Business partnerships may also begin or develop in some way. With the Moon making a challenging aspect to Neptune in your house and home sector, be aware that you may need to objectively and realistically assess your responsibilities to family members or loved ones who call for your attention at this time.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19
This is a great time to use your sensible and determined nature to change your day-to-day practices that have gone astray during this past year or have just not been working for you. This includes your health routines, work routines, job duties, and personal habits. You have the skills and self-discipline to do what you must to create a healthier mind, body and spirit. Renew your commitment to self-care, set healthy boundaries, and make sure you have a good balance between your work and personal life.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18
This solar eclipse wants you to let your creative juices flow and also embrace all the things that make life fun. Take time to envision what types of new creative projects you would like to initiate and how best to manifest them in an exciting and entertaining way. Give yourself permission to pursue what brings you joy and fulfillment. Incorporate some social time, romance and activities that bring new possibilities into your life.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20
Your home and family life are taking priority during this solar eclipse. What is it that makes you feel safe and secure? Make long-range plans for the future by envisioning how you want your home environment to be, both physically and emotionally. Re-organize, declutter, and open up space for new energy to flow. Take advantage of this phase by making improvements to your home, as it will be important for you to feel comfortable and cozy in your home environment. This is also a wonderful period to spend more time bonding with and renewing your family relationships.


To mark the ending of this summer’s Eclipse season, I thought I’d write about the phases of the Moon and how to work with her energy for your greatest good.

Following the cycle of the Moon is a powerful way to connect with our energy, and an invaluable way in which we can organize our life to its fullest advantage. In addition, we are all born during one of the particular lunation phases and we reflect the characteristics that one of those phases represent. It is quite interesting how it describes the core of our personality and the nature of our life purpose. 

Much attention is given to the Full Moon and New Moon phases because they are the peaks and the most talked about. However, it is just as important to become aware of where the lunation cycle is at different times of the month when it moves through its 8 phases since each phase has something different to bring to the table. There are many wonderful books that explain this subject in detail, but a couple that are excellent sources are, The Lunation Cycle by Dane Rudhyar (this is classic), or one of my favorites, Finding Our Way Through the Dark by Demetra George.

To help you get started on experimenting with getting in sync with the lunar cycle, let’s look at an abbreviated version of each phase and how to best utilize your energy during these time periods.

 The lunation cycle begins with the New Moon Phase. At this phase, we see none of the Moon’s reflected light and her dark side is facing us here on Earth. This is the time to plant your seed for future dreams. At this phase, we don’t exactly have any past experiences to draw on and are very much in the present. It is when we envision the future or what we desire. Make your wishes and visualize what you want to create in your life. Be courageous at this time in taking a leap of faith. Those of us born under this phase are here to begin a new cycle of activity, and emerge, creating new possibilities and potentials.

Phase 2 – Crescent Moon Phase. This phase begins about 3 ½ days after the New Moon. Here we begin to feel the need to break away from whatever has been holding us back. This is the time when we actually start to focus on our vision and start to move forward toward actualizing our dream. This is when we absolutely need to let go of any fears we have so that our dreams can blossom. People born under this phase are here to break with the past, develop new talents and skills, and learn to build confidence.

Phase 3 – First Quarter Phase. At the 1st Quarter Phase the Moon is half full, on its way from New to Full. This is when you start to maybe question yourself or your ideas. Some type of crisis or issue could come up where you need to work a little harder and will need to make a decision. Those born under a 1st Quarter Phase are here to learn how to deal with challenges or differences and step up to situations that are more difficult. 

Phase 4 – Gibbous Moon Phase. At this phase the Moon is quickly approaching the Full Moon phase. Your soul is evolving and your interests are more about self-development and self-awareness. Life feels ripe with potential. This is when you will analyze, adjust and perfect the plans you started in the previous phases. People born under the Gibbous Phase are here to perfect themselves in order to contribute something of value to society or their tribe.=

Phase 5 – Full Moon Phase. This is the high point and climax of the lunar cycle. This is the time to reap the rewards and celebrate all of your planning leading up the Full Moon. Take note of the progress you have made and look back on how far you have come. It is total illumination and being able to see everything leading up to this moment. Basically, you are releasing, giving back and moving on. Those born during a Full Moon Phase are here to objectively realize their life’s purpose through relationships. 

Phase 6 – Disseminating Moon Phase. During the disseminating period, the Moon starts to move into its Waning phase. She will appear to grow smaller each night until the time of the New Moon again. This is the time where we begin to see where our knowledge and wisdom can be shared with others. Everything we have learned leading up to this point is to be communicated with other people. Those born under this phase are here to spread out and communicate their knowledge. Theirs is a life of teaching in some way of the things they believe are of value.=

Phase 7 – Last Quarter Moon Phase. Half-light and half-dark, this is the halfway point between the Full Moon and the New Moon. Post Full Moon, we have already realized what is important. We now want to reevaluate and reorganize our philosophies and belief system. It is time to again make room for the new, which is rapidly approaching with the New Moon right around the corner. People born under this phase are here to turn away from old, limiting belief systems and structures and live by their own rules.

Phase 8 – Balsamic Moon Phase. The 8th and final phase of the lunation cycle is the closure phase. This is the time to rest and heal. To surrender to the Divine. This phase bridges the ending of the old and the birth of the new. During this quiet time is when your soul processes everything learned from the past and intuitively envisions the future. Those born under the Balsamic Moon Phase are highly intuitive and are known as visionaries who can sense what is ahead. They often feel a special sense of their life’s purpose and an urgency that there is something they must accomplish.

To summarize all of this, the first 4 phases from the New Moon to the Gibbous Moon is the Waxing stage. This is when you will want to plant ideas, set intentions, start new projects, and follow your brilliant visions. You will find that you feel motivated, courageous, proactive and excited about getting things accomplished. This is when you may be learning new skill sets, building relationships, starting a new business. It’s all about the building process. 

The last 4 phases from the Full Moon to the Balsamic Moon is the Waning stage. This is the time to release, forgive, and let go of things no longer serving us for our greater good. This is such an important process because it allows space for new and fresh ideas and experiences to enter our lives and releases any negative or toxic energy that has been holding us back. It is the time to rest, recover and reflect. This may be a time when you do things like clearing clutter in your home, get caught up on daily chores, get a message or treat yourself to a haircut or pedicure. It’s all about releasing, regrouping, balancing and healing.

The best way to start is to go online and find out which phase the Moon is in by looking at a monthly calendar. I have provided a calendar for August to give you an idea of what you should be looking for.

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This month the NEW MOON occurs on August 18th. This is when you want to envision something new. Tune into your inner self by meditating on your wishes or write a list/journal about what you want to create.

On August 20-25, the Moon turns Waxing Crescent. This is when you begin to communicate your intention to move forward. Return to your wish list and re-visualize your thoughts during the New Moon period. This is when you need to stay true to yourself and continue your forward momentum. Bring in new energy and add some preliminary action to help develop your skills needed to build your future.

On August 26th the Moon turns First Quarter. This is when you begin to have doubts. Are you doing the right thing? Is this a good idea? Watch out for stumbling blocks, but persist in your goal visions. At this time, start to have conversations with others about your intentions and get the ball rolling. Getting feedback can turn your doubts around.

From August 28-31 the Moon is in the Gibbous phase. Now is the time to edit, refine and make any adjustments needed to accomplish your goals. It’s about all the self-development necessary in order to reap the rewards. This would be a good time to brush-up on skills or knowledge that have gotten a bit rusty. Those things will have a tendency to come back to you much easier.

On September 1st  we get the Big Kahuna – The Full Moon. At this point, the building portion of your vision should be accomplished. You should be able to look back and see everything leading up to this moment, release anything negative and give back. Take some time to practice forgiveness and gratitude. You are getting to see all of the things you need to, but it is definitely NOT a time to begin anything new. It is the time to end, to culminate, to release. You can also use this time for breaking old habits or routines.

The Disseminating Moon occurs on September 4-8. This is a time you want to be open to change and transformation. If you have a message to get out, now is the time. You will want to take this time to share and interact not only through information, but it is also a great time for socializing, charity work, attending or teaching classes or workshops, and make new friends with who you truly connect with intellectually.

From September 9-11, you will feel the Last Quarter Moon. During this phase, you may feel the energy diminishing. It is a time of looking back AND looking ahead. You will want to take care of things you have been putting off and work on wrapping things up. What things need to be eliminated in your life? When I talked earlier about cleaning up clutter, finishing paperwork, catching up on daily chores during the Waning phase, this is the time to do that.

From September 12-15 comes the final Balsamic Moon Phase. The New Moon is right around the corner and you need to prepare. We are on the border of a brand new lunar cycle. One of the best things you can do during this 3 day period is to rest and let your mind, body and spirit relax. This is an excellent time for creativity and inspiration and to just let your imagination run wild.


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Astrology has been making a great resurgence in the past few years. It may be because people are tired or frustrated or fearful of the shape of our world. It may be because the normal standards are no longer working for them and they are looking for alternative means to re-discover their spiritual being, faith, and understanding of others on a deeper level. Or it can be multi-factorial given the complexity of our daily lives. Much of it has to do with the movement of the zodiac and that we are moving into the Age of Aquarius, a period of awakening in astrology. It is a confusing time for many people. For me, astrology has been an awakening to the areas of my being that I have always somehow known on a deeper level.

What is astrology?
It is much, much more than reading your Sun Sign (zodiac sign) in the weekly horoscope portion of the newspaper or magazine. 

I practice what is known as “Evolutionary Astrology,” which involves a more psychological approach and is really perfect for inspiring personal development. Evolutionary Astrology suggests that our souls chose the time, date and place of birth to give us the opportunity to fulfill our soul’s purpose from lessons from previous lifetimes.

Astrology is a tool for learning who we really are. It deepens our understanding of ourselves and others and helps us to navigate our journey through life. It helps us to gain insight into our soul’s purpose, providing insight into such areas as career, love, friendships, personal development, and how we relate to others and understand others on a deeper level. 

The way in which astrologers use this tool is through the reading of an individual’s birth chart, which is arrived at by using the time, place and date of an individual’s birth. The birth chart is a snap shot of the sky at the moment of your birth and describes your whole personality — you can get an idea of your traits, strengths, weaknesses, actions, soul lessons, and more just by looking at where the planets are located in relation to the signs of the Zodiac. This chart is a blueprint, or map, of the soul’s incarnation in this lifetime. 

You can actually tell a great deal about a person just from their Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign, before even tapping into the other factors motivating the chart. These three Signs explain the dynamic nature of your personality.

When interacting with people, we usually meet them slowly, bit by bit. We rarely give our entire selves away upon first meeting someone. The Rising Sign in astrology represents how you appear and are perceived by others, or the first impression you make upon them. It is the “mask” you wear. It shows how you present yourself and the way in which you weave your way through life. Image it as the receptionist to your persona. When people meet you, they meet your Rising Sign first and then your Sun Sign. 

The Sun Sign is our core being or ego and how we most often identify as our true self. It is the part of you that shines in the world and shows the way that you are dynamic in this life. An understanding and acceptance of your Sun Sign helps you to recognize your basic nature and personality that remains constant in this life and helps you to understand the choices you make. 

The last part of your personality that others will meet is your Moon Sign. The Moon is all about emotions and feelings and how you react to things instinctively. Your Moon is your soul, your most private and intuitive self. The Moon is a very feminine energy and inclined to be deeply nurturing. Usually only those who know you well and who you trust will meet your Moon sign. 

Remember, when you meet someone, you meet their Rising Sign, then their Sun Sign and then the Moon Sign. It is a very quick way to get a basic understanding of yourself or others. 

For an example, my Rising Sign is Gemini, my Sun Sign is Taurus and my Moon Sign is Aquarius. In a very simplistic way, you could say that when someone first meets me, they encounter that part of my personality that is social, talkative, fun-loving and very curious about everything. As they get to know me better, they will encounter that part of me that has a bit more substance and is more grounded and solid. A loyal and faithful friend. They will see that I can be counted on, reliable and determined to create what I set out to do. Then, if trusted, they will meet my Moon. Although kind and compassionate, my emotional nature is probably more directed toward social consciousness with a drive to help humanity. I want to help and heal those in need. They will also get to meet that part of me that is more unique, independent and freedom loving.

On a personal note, astrology came along at a time in my life after I had experienced many losses and questioning the Universe. I had always been interested in the Metaphysical, especially astrology, most of my adolescent and adult life. I constantly wondered, “Why am I here? What is my purpose? What makes me feel and act certain ways? Where do we go after death? Is this body all there is or is it a vessel for our soul? Is this life merely another lesson on our road to evolution?”

Close to 10 years ago, I was guided by intuition or spirit to enroll in The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and began my education for a certification in Holistic Health Coaching. In addition to learning about proper nutrition and lifestyle, I was introduced to alternative mind-body connections and spirituality from teachers such as Deepak Chopra and Simon Brown (connecting the elemental energies and nutrition).

Eventually, I began studying crystals and energy work, and finally, seriously began my studies of Astrology, a subject I had been drawn to for many years. I ultimately found those beautiful “ah-ha” moments. I slowly began to understand myself; questions began to be answered and I felt I was finally moving toward my life direction.

I look forward to sharing more information about this subject, including working with the magic of Moon cycles, to guide and manifest your dreams and goals.