Since February is typically the month that we associate with all things related to love and romance, it is only fitting that this month’s article is dedicated to the planet of love and beauty in all of her forms – Venus.

Venus is the planetary ruler of both Taurus and Libra. Venus represents the core essence of the feminine. The Goddess of Love and Beauty. In her earlier origins, she was worshipped as a nature goddess and mother of all on-going creation. She is the embodiment of grace, harmony and beauty, cultivating these attributes through the arts and through her diplomacy and charm. She symbolizes how we attract the things that we love and value, and through her energy, we determine the things we appreciate. Venus expresses what makes us feel good and is inspired when we are in partnership and romantic situations.

The human impulse is to connect with others, and Venus is the planet that helps us form relationships. Her primary function is love in all its forms. But make no mistake, she is also a rejecting planet, having no problem discriminating with whom she forms attachments and who she doesn’t. This is the goddess who taught the lessons of sexuality, desire, and the affections we arouse in others, as well as sorrow, loss, and rejection in love.

In the birth chart, wherever Venus is located, can indicate how we attract the people and things that we love and value, as well as our aesthetic tastes. It shows where we anchor our values.

Since Venus rules both Taurus and Libra, this means this planet also rules 2 different houses in the zodiac. The 2nd house is home to Taurus, and the 7th house is home to Libra. The 2nd house is the House of Self Worth. It represents our financial and psychological resources. It rules our personal money, resources, possessions, and personal values. It shows our self-esteem or lack of, and the things that we find of value.

The 7th house is known as the House of Relationships. It rules marriage, partnerships (both personal and business), cooperation, and our open enemies. It represents pretty much all significant one to one relationships which could include those such as therapist/client, attorney/client, or business partners. It is also about learning how to strike a balance, learn diplomacy, and learn how to collaborate with others. 

Venus transits into the sign of Pisces the day after Valentine’s Day on February 15th.

Venus is in her exaltation in this compassionate and dreamy water sign. This is an especially lovely placement for Venus. When we say that a planet is exalted in a sign, what we are saying is that the planet, in this case Venus, feels comfortable and welcomed in this signs. It's an easy fit and creates an atmosphere where the signs foster the expression of the planets. A comfortable and easy expression of sensuality and beauty is experienced when Venus is in Pisces...Pisces' romantic and sensitive ways foster Venus' need for beauty and sensuality.

Leaving the sign of Aquarius and moving into Pisces provides a softening of the Venus energy, however, Venus loses some of her more independent attitudes about love. In Aquarius, this Venusian energy was more free-spirited, open-minded, and romantic interests were piqued by more intellectual communication with an unexpected or unusual person.

Venus in Pisces is very dreamy and romantic. Just be aware that this combination can fog up your judgment when you are looking at someone special. It is so easy to believe in love at first sight, so take things slow and make sure you are not falling in love with an illusion or what you want this person to be. But being idealistic is also a good thing and allows you to experience love in its most clear and deep form.

Aside from romance, Venus in Pisces can provide an amazingly vivid and creative imagination that seems almost other worldly. If you are an artist or any type of creative, this time period could be the beginning of something special.

In fact, Venus is in a conjunction aspect with Neptune at this time as well. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces which makes this connection even more special in terms of creativity and imagination. If you are an artist, you could find yourself channeling your inner visions into your work very easily. Your senses, inspiration, and intuition will also be heightened during this time. Within your personal relationships, you feel drawn to making even deeper connections.

All in all, during this transit, take advantage of and keep your eyes open for new romantic encounters, strengthen meaningful friendships, look for ways to connect to all things beautiful, trust your inspiration and creative urges, learn to find your own value and self-worth, and be your most harmonious and generous self.

Since Venus helps to define our relationship with others, and also with the beautiful things in life, let’s take a look at what each zodiac sign can expect from transiting Venus during this time period.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Venus is transiting through a very private sector in your chart. Your affections will most likely take place secretly behind closed doors, possibly indicating a clandestine love affair, or if not an actual affair, private feelings of attraction or longing. During this time period, you may also find yourself connecting more to your imagination, spirituality, and artistic urges. As Venus moves into the 1st house later in the month, your love energy becomes more enthusiastic and “out-there.” Look for or act on new romantic relationships, or if you are already in one, concentrate on making that bond stronger.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

With Venus transiting through your 11th house, your focus is in finding pleasure and connecting with friends or social groups who share like-minded interests in the arts, music or other forms of creative expression. Because of your positive nature at this time, you’ll find that you will attract positive people around you. In the area of romance/love, you are looking for that special person who shares the same interests as you, so this would be a great way to meet someone new. Don’t expect fireworks and passion at this point. It is not where you’re at. It’s more about starting slow and building a mental rapport first or perhaps seeing a friend in a whole new way and building from there.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

During this time period, you are likely to find yourself shining within your career or professional life, especially if you are involved in the arts or beauty industry. You are also at your most charming and friendly now, which has those in authority sitting up to take notice. Your reputation right now brings social opportunities through your career sector giving you more opportunities to socialize and network. In terms of romance, you will be attracted to someone who has their act together in their career or has a respectable social reputation.


Freedom, travel, learning and adventure is where your quest for harmony and happiness lie this month. You are looking for fun and romance in new and exciting places. You could very well meet someone while traveling to a new and culturally different place. If you do meet someone new at this point in time, it is more likely to be someone of a different background or educational level who can expand your horizons. You will feel a strong connection within yourself between your creative and artistic senses, your higher mind, and having new experiences that allow you to learn and teach others what you’ve learned. 

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Venus is transiting your 8th house. Love that happens during this period is deep, transformative, and sexual. But, it is more than sexual. It is about true intimacy. Digging deep into those psychological recesses. There is a strong need to be truly intimate with someone. Anyone or anything that comes across as superficial just won’t do it for you. In addition, there is a connection between sharing power and finances as well, where finances could get a boost through your partner or family.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

Venus is transiting through your 7th house which is one of the houses ruled by Venus. This indicates a strong connection to relationships and partnerships this month. Relationships or partnerships started under this transit are meaningful and lasting. You’ll have a desire to be in a committed relationship or to make a commitment. This is the real deal. In regard to other partnerships, either personal or business, this is a good time to consider collaborations, negotiations, and compromises.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Your love language during this time period is through your service to others. It is about showing how you feel through small acts of kindness. It is possible that if you are looking for love, you may find it in the work environment where there may be more social interactions happening at this time. What you can be sure of is that relationships at work will be very harmonious and you will most likely get more appreciation than usual.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

With Venus transiting your 5th house, be prepared to feel your inner child flow through you and to experience a period of creative self-expression. And most importantly, since the 5th House is the house of love, romance and sexual encounters, this is great time to begin dating someone new. This is a time of playful romance. Nothing heavy or serious. Just a time when you enjoy the excitement and pleasure of meeting new people and exploring the dating world..

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21 

The emphasis this month is on the love and appreciation for your home and family. This transit brings up feelings of wanting to create a warm, cozy and safe retreat for yourself and your loved ones. This is the type of love that is speaking to you now. Don’t be surprised if you jump into a home redecorating project to design the perfect space to regenerate your energy and strength and nourish your emotional soul.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

With Venus transiting your 3rd house, you are looking for that special someone who can stimulate your mind and inspire you on an intellectual level. You want more than good looks and sex. You want someone who you can carry on meaningful and interesting conversations with on a variety of subjects. You may just meet that person in your own neighborhood, local coffee shop, or some type of community project or course.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Venus is in your 2nd house which is more about reassessing your worth and what is of value to you. You want to have more foundational and financial security during this time period and spending money on physical things that make you feel good is one way that you compensate. Any relationship that you attract now will be one that makes you feel secure, stable and will increase your self-esteem.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

Venus is bringing the attention all on you. You will feel like making the effort to take extra good care of yourself. Maybe a new hair style, going for a massage or facial, getting extra rest, treating yourself to that new restaurant you’ve been wanting to try. It is all about self-love. This also makes it an excellent time to find love because you are more confident, charming, and a pleasure to be around. The new you becomes an attraction magnet.