The holiday season has wound down and this is the time of year we begin to think about what we want our lives to look like moving forward. It gives us a chance to reflect on the previous year and ask some thought-provoking questions. Were we able to accomplish the goals we set for ourselves? Is our life path moving in a direction that feels positive? Are we happy with our lives both professionally and personally? How can we improve our lives overall this year?

Although I am not a believer in making New Year’s resolutions, I do believe in being open to the change and transition that is bound to come in some way as the planets shift and create new energy. It is more about setting intentions. The question comes down to how do you want to handle life’s changes and also have your eyes wide open for life’s opportunities? Giving these things honest thought helps to move us in the right direction with more clear intentions. We are able to act from a place of knowledge after careful consideration, rather than reacting out of stress and anxiety.

One of the best ways to get started on this journey is to follow the Moon phases and work with the lunar energy during this month. Each lunar phase gives off a different energy and if you can deliberately act in accordance with these cycles, it can help guide your daily life. This article is meant to help you develop a practice that can help you to achieve soul guidance and deepen your intentions for a well-balanced life.

I will also provide you with the Moon Void of Course dates and times. The Void of Course times will be calculated for Eastern Standard Time (EST). When we say the Moon is Void of Course, we are referring to when the Moon makes its final major aspect with another planet before changing signs. The Moon stops being Void of Course once it enters a new sign.

During this time period, the Moon is sort of just free-floating, without any influence from any other planets. Usually, we don’t even notice this because it is void sometimes for only a few hours or as long as a whole day. Or it can happen while we are asleep so it doesn’t affect us at all. However, it is important to recognize this time period because when the Moon is void, it is not a good time to initiate plans, usually because it is easy to overlook important information that helps us make sound decisions. It can be challenging to focus on anything that requires concentration or is detail oriented.  It is best to stick to a routine or your everyday tasks. It is not a good time to sign contracts, finalize agreements, or make any major decisions. Our vision is totally cloudy and no good will come of anything we try to push through. Keep all those things for another day or even a few extra hours. It is extremely helpful to mark the days and times of the Void of Course Moons on your calendar to remind yourself to take a step back and not push through on something during those times.

Let me begin by listing the eight moon phases.

* New Moon

* Waxing Crescent Moon

* First Quarter Moon

* Waxing Gibbous Moon

* Full Moon

* Disseminating Moon or Waning Gibbous

* Last Quarter Moon or Waning Third

* Balsamic Moon

When you see the term “Waxing” or “Waning” this is referring to what the Moon is doing. During the waxing phases the Moon is moving from darkness into light. This is the phase starting after the total darkness of the New Moon and continues to show a bit of itself every night until the Moon is at its brightest. A sliver more can be viewed each night, and it appears to be growing, until it reaches the Full Moon phase. The waxing cycle symbolizes growth, development, and creation. It is about letting ideas begin to germinate and blossom until it reaches the peak at the Full Moon when there is total illumination and dreams can be realized.

During the waning phase, the Moon is just passed the Full Moon phase when it was at its brightest and fullest. It continues losing light until the Moon can no longer be easily viewed, moving once again toward the New Moon phase. When the Moon is waning, it appears to shrink each night. This is a cycle of release, forgiveness, and gratitude. It is symbolic of shedding the old and preparing for renewal and transition.

The lunar phases are all about the changing relationship between the Sun and Moon during the Moon’s monthly orbit around the Earth. They describe the kinds of energy generated at each stage of the process. If we can learn to use this energy according to the cycles, we have a better chance of creating the life we want.

I am going to walk you through using this energy through the month of January. Aligning with the Moon cycle can help you to understand how the energy of life flows through you. Working with each phase can bring you closer to abundance in your life through knowing when to set your intentions, how to better understand your emotions, when to do inner work, and when to manifest. If you continue this practice it helps you to connect deeper with your soul and heightens your intuition.

Beginning on Sunday, January 1st, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. This is a lovely start to the new year since the Moon in this sign provides a calmness and serenity to our emotional lives. There is a steadiness or a grounded energy with this Moon. The Moon will be in its Waxing Gibbous phase, which is the last phase before the Full Moon. It will be in this phase until Friday, January 6th. During this week, the best course of action is to concentrate on areas of self-development and self-awareness. You can begin to devote time to personal growth and spend this time reflecting on the ways you want to improve your life, your work, and your relationships. Focus on the best ways you can progress and grow.

On January 2nd we have a Void of Course (V/C) from 5:16 pm until 9:44 pm. It will then enter the sign of Gemini. On the 4th, the Moon is V/C again from 7:08 pm until the next day, January 5th, at 9:15 am, after which it enters the sign of Cancer.

On January 6th, we have the first Full Moon of the year in the sign of Cancer. The Moon is in her rulership in this sign and is very sensitive, nurturing, and caring. Be prepared for some emotional ups and downs and a need to be near your home, your comfort zone and security. A Cancer Full Moon reminds us to learn to nurture ourselves and allow our own emotional needs to become illuminated. It can be a time of enlightenment marking a new path in our self-knowledge and emotional maturation. During this time period until the Moon goes V/C on the morning of July 7th (5:23 am – 9:40 pm), just chill a bit. Take time to just do some odds and ends around the house, have family over, pamper yourself.

As the Full Moon moves into the sign of Leo later that evening, the energy of the Moon shifts, and for the next couple of days you may find yourself feeling more self-confident and you radiate a light.  This is the time to release any blockages around your heart’s desires and anything stopping you from expressing your creativity and passions. Move forward with courage and show up for yourself with confidence. Your intentions could include ways to stimulate your creative projects, artistic expression, and innate talents, as well as ways to enhance your aspirations to be recognized.

On January 9th, we enter the Waning Gibbous or Disseminating phase, which takes us through Friday the 13th. This is the time where we begin to see where our knowledge and wisdom can be shared with others. During this week be open to change and transformation. If you have a message to get out, now is the time. You will want to take this time to share and interact not only through information, but also through socializing, charity work, attending or teaching classes or workshops, and making new friends with whom you truly connect with intellectually. The gift of this phase is learning to integrate new insights into your life and share that knowledge.

The Moon is also V/C on this date between 8:52 pm and 10:15 am on January 10th. Remember that during those hours, hold back on beginning anything new. Use the time to gather your thoughts and organize the ideas or information that you want to share. The Moon is V/C again on Thursday, January 12th, but it is only for a very short time between 6:06 pm – 9:56 pm.

On Saturday, January 14th, the Moon enters its Last Quarter phase through Monday, January 16th. The Last Quarter Moon phase is when the Moon is half in light and half in shadow. At this time of the Lunar cycle, we are drawn inward and away from the outside world and influences. This phase is traditionally about releasing and letting go. Use the Last Quarter phase of the Moon to go deep within yourself during meditation. Reflect on where you have been, where you are going, and why you are heading there. There are lessons here about sensing your own truth and shifting perceptions. It is actually a time of looking back AND looking ahead. You will want to take care of things you have been putting off and work on wrapping things up. This is a transitional time. You may have a nagging feeling that there is more to do before a new cycle begins. Often it is about getting real regarding unhelpful relationships or things in your life, misguided dreams or aspirations, or anything that has been holding you back.

During this cycle’s week, the Moon will be V/C on Sunday, January 15th between 3:40 am – 7:08 am, and on Tuesday, January 17th between 9:27 am. – 12:30 pm.

The Balsamic phase begins on Tuesday, January 17th through Friday, January 20th. The Sun also enters the sign of Aquarius on the 20th in preparation for the New Moon on Saturday the 21st.

The Balsamic phase is the final step in the Lunar cycle. This phase is marked by the smallest sliver of light before the Moon’s surface turns to complete darkness just before the New Moon starts the cycle again. The Balsamic Moon Phase helps to integrate all that is and will be in order to prepare for the next Lunar Cycle. One of the best things you can do during this 3 day period is to rest and let your mind, body, and spirit relax. This is an excellent time for creativity and inspiration and to just let your imagination run wild. This is the time when significant ideas can come up for you and you are able to understand what has gone before. It is about replenishing your energy and spirit in anticipation of the New Moon.

On Saturday, January 21st, we have the New Moon in Aquarius. Emotions will tend to be guided by intellect and a sort of detachment. Aquarius is compassionate, but more in a big picture way. This energy will steady your emotions. You may feel more inventive and progressive with the Moon in this sign. With a New Moon in Aquarius, look for ways to be more innovative and unique with your ideas, to become aware of ways to adopt new trends into your life and follow your dreams, to find ways to support humanitarian issues for the good of others, or wish for ways to promote healthy friendships and feelings of comfortability in group situations. The best way to honor the New Moon into your life is to write down your intentions about what you want to create. Set clear intentions for the month ahead, clarify your goals, start new projects, and acknowledge what has transpired since the previous New Moon.

The Moon moves into its Waxing Crescent phase on Sunday, January 22nd through Friday January 27th. Right after the New Moon, this energy is full of enthusiasm and is often described as “energy with focus.” You are ready to go. This is the time when you actually start to focus on your vision and start to move forward toward actualizing your dream. You absolutely need to let go of any fears you have so that your dreams can blossom. Your challenge will be in putting those dreams into action.

There are also three Void of Course Moons this week to be aware of. On Monday the 23rd from 5:19 am until 12:30 pm, on Wednesday, January 25th from 11:12 am until 1:48 pm, and then on Friday the 27th from 4:01 pm until 6:42 pm. You will be in initiating mode, so make sure you take time to slow it down during these times.

On Saturday the 28th the Moon briefly moves into its 1st Quarter phase and quickly moves into the Waxing Gibbous phase on the 29th. However, during this 1st Quarter phase, there is an element of tension or nervous energy. You will be feeling more confident about your future and willing to take risks. This is a turning point, when something in your life that was in its infant stage now springs into action. Begin the process of making things happen in a new way, but make sure you keep your eyes open for more information that could become available at the next phase. Some type of crisis or issue could come up where you need to work a little harder and will need to make a decision or have some type of challenge where you need to step up to situations that are more difficult. Ambition, self-motivation, and determination will be key strengths for you at this time.

The next day, January 29th, the Moon enters its Waxing Gibbous phase, taking us to the end of the month in the air sign of Gemini. This is the phase where we started at the beginning of the month when you once again begin concentrating on your self-development and self-awareness. A time when you see that life is full of potential. It is time to seek new ways of expressing yourself while you also analyze and try to figure out what motivates others. With the Moon phase now in Gemini, it is a great time to put that Gemini energy to use. Your intentions at this time may include ways to enhance learning, promote effective communication, develop and improve your social skills, or improve your relationships with your siblings, family, or neighbors. During these next couple of days, learn as much as you can about yourself as the Moon moves toward that Full Moon phase in Leo occurring on Sunday, February 5th.

In my opinion, the best way to chart or Moon map is to print out a blank calendar for the month and write each phase on the appropriate dates. Use a journal to track your thoughts and intentions and your guiding goals and principles. Remember that during the New Moon you will want to write a list of what you want to attract, and during the Full Moon what you want to let go. I love to buy a pretty journal that I use specifically for this process, or you can find lunar journals online or in book stores which provide reflective prompts timed to phases that are especially helpful. The best thing to keep in mind is to have fun with this process and be creative. Try this for a couple of months and experience the magic that will come with you intentionally incorporating the Moon phases in your thoughts and actions.