This article concludes my 4-part series introducing the planets and how they affect us in our lives. This last group of planets to discuss are the “Outer Planets.” They are Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

These planets are the farthest away and take the longest to orbit around the Sun. When they transit your chart, they stick around for a good long while.  Not only do they exert a major influence on our individual personal lives, but also on the world and what is happening in society. They speak to all the guiding energy on this planet.

In modern astrology, Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. This planet spends about 7 years in each sign and takes approximately 84 years to complete one revolution around the zodiac. So, once Uranus has moved through a certain house or area of your chart, you are not likely to experience Uranus’ energy in that area again during your lifetime.

Uranus is known as the rebel of the zodiac. The energy or attitude of this planet is one of, “no matter the consequences, rules are made to be broken.” Everyone has Uranus somewhere in their chart and it shows where you dare to be different and how you exert your independence and personal freedom. It provides you with your uniqueness and the ability to cut through limitations and rigidity to liberate yourself from the mundane and old worn-out patterns.

The house or area of life where Uranus is positioned in your birth chart shows where you can break free from social conventions and march to the tune of your own drummer. This is where your inner rebel lives. Embrace your creativity and your unique nature. Take some risks to express your true individuality.

On a global level, Uranus is the planet of originality, inventions, cutting edge technology, revolutions, innovations, and future events. It also rules environmental disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. Uranus will overturn anything traditional that has outlived its usefulness. Its job is to break down older, archaic structures and create a new inventive paradigm. It works by expanding social consciousness, encouraging free will and an independent state of mind. It is not so much about the individual, but more about the whole of humanity and the best thing for the well-being of society.

While Uranus produces wake-up calls, sudden shake-ups, and flashes of intuitive genius, our next planet, Neptune, represents spirituality, dreams and fantasy, imagination, and our capacity for compassion and sensitivity. Neptune is the ruler of Pisces and is known as the higher octave of Venus. It allows us to perceive beauty in a more spiritual way. It dissolves boundaries and inspires you to escape from the ordinary and go after what your deepest desires are. Neptune opens you up to inspiration and faith and psychic sensitives. It provides the capacity to use your imagination to dream, be inspired and pursue your search for the ideal.

However, Neptune can also be a trickster. It delights in illusion and can cause confusion by sometimes not allowing us to see the big picture. It creates a deception of sorts, clouding our perception of things, creating a situation where sometimes things are not what they seem to be. During a Neptune transit, you can sometimes feel like you are in a fog. A little disoriented and confused. However, Neptune has a way washing away what needs to leave your life. It dissolves what it touches. I always think of the old saying, “this too shall pass” during a Neptune transit.

The last of the outer planets is Pluto. In Greek Mythology, Pluto was Hades the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio and represents death, rebirth, and transformation, as well as personal power. Pluto is extremely slow moving, taking 248 years to make its way around the zodiac, staying in each sign anywhere from 12-31 years.

Pluto symbolizes the power of shattering and reconstruction. Every time you have been betrayed, lied to, deceived, or had your emotions put through the wringer, Pluto is the planet that gives you the power to go to the depths of hell and come back stronger. Its place in your chart shows where you may experience constant turmoil and change but realize that life goes on no matter what. It forces long-buried issues out into the light for the purpose of self-transformation and soul renewal. You come out more enlightened and clearer having learned powerful lessons. There is always a cleansing or rebirth with Pluto’s transformative energy. You must experience the release of things held secret and underground to be reborn and transform. Pluto provides you with the capacity to renew yourself.


ARIES – March 21 – April 19

Your focus this month is on how best to serve yourself and others in the best possible way. With the New Moon in Virgo in one of your workhouses, making a harmonious connection with Uranus in your financial sector, it’s a great time to work diligently, bring new and original ideas to the workplace, and create a goal-oriented routine. Reflect on ways you may serve others while also taking advantage of new opportunities.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20

September brings attention to matters of the heart and your creative passions. This month is all about self-gratification and surrendering to the things that bring you joy. You may find yourself dating and flirting more than usual, or just enjoying a new phase of personal creativity. Keep it fun and light-hearted. Play, create, and express yourself in a way that enhances your heart-center. You are being guided with inspiration to incorporate more love and fun in your life.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20

This month you reflect on your family and the stories that have been passed down over the years. It is a good time to focus your thoughts on where you come from and what family means. It’s going to be very important for you to deepen your knowledge of who you are at your innermost soul, understand and value your roots more fully, focus on your support system and how you support others. Exploring these areas will lead to a better sense of self and how you can improve your home and family life.


The New Moon in Virgo is in your communication house. This would be a great time to learn new ideas and skills, speak your truth in a clear way, and brush up on the ways in which you use your written and verbal abilities to get your thoughts and opinions across to others. Reflect on the ways in which you can adjust your communication style to reach and touch more people. Explore new concepts, study a subject of interest to you, experiment with new forms of media, and make sure you really listen to others along the way.

LEO – July 23 – August 22

Are you contemplating what your worth is in the world? You are emotionally connected to the things that you value and your need for financial security. Is the way in which you earn money being done to the best of your abilities? This month may bring new projects or endeavors to help increase your income, or perhaps a new investment opportunity. The New Moon is in a positive connection with Uranus in your 10th house of career and reputation, so this is an ideal time to allow your intuition to guide you as you take advantage of new prospects.

VIRGO – August 23 – September 22

This is a powerful New Moon for you. It’s all about a new you and how you intend to embrace your true identity. It’s actually a re-birth for you. You are being asked to reinvent yourself in some personal way. It’s all about the image you present to the world. This is the time for self-improvement and self-development. Change the way you see yourself, let go of limiting beliefs you may have, and transform yourself into the person you want others to see. Focus on what makes you feel personally fulfilled and allow yourself to blossom as the energy unfolds.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22

Your focus turns inward this month as you feel the need for more solitude. This is not a time for high energy, but a time to reflect on your life, to dream, and to allow your imagination to flow with creative inspiration. With the Moon trine Uranus in your 8th house, your mind and intuition are awakened, enabling you to respond to a higher state of awareness. Use this time to engage with your more spiritual side by doing things like yoga and meditation. This will help not only open your mind, but also calm your mind and enable you to get closer to your core self.

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21

This month is about fostering new friendships or joining a new group or network that can provide recognition for your work or a project that you are involved with. Align your efforts with those that share your ideals. This can bring a sense of belonging within a group of friends who are all sharing a common goal. It can also help grow your following if you are looking to manifest an independent vocation. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that involve networking, making connections with others, and joining or strengthening ties in a group project/activity possibly tied to humanitarian causes.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21

Your career, public reputation or goals for professional progress are highlighted this month. Think about your future and what you really want for yourself. Plan the direction you want to go to achieve your ambitions and goals. The New Moon in your 10th house provides you with a sense of renewal with regards to your career objectives. It is a time to focus on the components of your personality that you are projecting as a professional. You are gifted at this time with great emotional strength and control which will enhance your leadership abilities.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19

With the New Moon in your 9th house, you may feel a desire to expand beyond the ordinary. Create a new awareness in your life by reading or learning about different philosophies or spiritual perspectives. You need an adventure. If you can’t take off for Morocco, choose an adventure that takes you away from the humdrum routines in your life. You can still experience it through voyaging through the exploring the doctrines of different religions, cultures, and exotic places. Learn a new language, do a personal development course, initiate new projects or activities that expand your mind and stretch your imagination. 

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18

Your intuition is heightened, providing you the opportunity to begin to step more into your power.  Allow yourself to become deeply introspective and investigative your fears surrounding how much power and balance exist between yourself and your personal relationships. The purpose is for you to bring to the surface anything hidden in your psyche. If there is something you have been avoiding, you must bring it into the light and exert your will to guide your future to one of your choosing. This is also a time of deep reflection regarding issues of intimacy and any power struggles in this area.

PISCES – February 19 – March 20

This month the focus will revolve around relationships and partnerships. It is about the “other” in your life. You may experience a new relationship story getting ready to unfold, or perhaps you will bring a new aspect into an existing relationship, taking things to a new level. Pay attention to how you relate to your partner. Can you improve on your communication style when discussing sensitive subjects? Are you giving more than you are getting, or vice versa? Is there a gap between what you have and what you want in your relationship? Take this time to set intentions to nurture and create a deeper emotional connection with your partner.