I was going to write one of my standard monthly articles focusing on Spring, new beginnings, and April astrological happenings when another idea came to me. Yes, April is the time of new beginnings, and the New Moon on April 20th is actually the first Solar Eclipse of the year; however, I also have a new beginning in my life and thought it would be fun to share a little something different.

My husband and I adopted an adorable 10 week old standard poodle puppy who we named Cassie. We lost our beloved 12 year old female standard poodle Roxie last March. Since then, our 4 year old male standard Charlie, my husband, and myself have been feeling the loss. I believe it was written in the stars how we came to have this sweet girl arrive in our life. But that’s a story for another day. 

This little girl is a Capricorn, born on December 27, 2022. Of course, I began to look at her personality and behavior to get an idea of how easy or difficult training would be, what her energy would look like, and how sensitive she would be to our energy and what we expect of her. I also began to think that other dog lovers and dog owners would find this interesting as well in understanding their own furry children.

Reflecting on Roxie’s personality, she was born on July 2nd and therefore was the water sign Cancer. She certainly lived up to this sign’s definition of sensitive, intuitive and very complex. She managed to hide her illness from us until it was too late because she was such a sweet little soul and didn’t want to reveal any cause for alarm. Cancer dogs do not have a bad bone in their body. But on the other side, she could also be prone to anxiety and worry, and if she didn’t want to listen, she could be extremely obstinate. All in all, she was strongly attached to her home and loved her secure surroundings and family beyond measure.  

Charlie is a Pisces which is also a water sign. A Pisces dog is even more sensitive than Cancer. Extremely intuitive and loving. Very mellow and happy to just be where his family is. With Cancer, when feelings get hurt, Roxie would go off on her own and pout. With Charlie, he just retreats within himself. These two got along famously because they intuitively understood each other and knew when to be together and when to back off. They shared the gift of emotions which enabled them to understand each other In a rather unique way. And because Cancer is a nurturing sign, she made a great companion for the kind and caring sign of Pisces. 

Now what happens when you mix the Capricorn earth sign which is our newbie, Cassie, with the Pisces water sign of Charlie? I think she will definitely have a nice grounding effect on Charlie, hopefully bringing more confidence to his nature. And Charlie will provide a quiet and calm energy needed by a Capricorn dog. Capricorn dogs don’t do well with hyperactive energy.

Here are descriptions of the zodiac signs as they show up in your dog’s personality.

ARIES – March 21 – April 19: If your pet was born between March 21 – April 19, he/she will have an Aries personality. Expect this pup to have a confident, strong-willed, and assertive demeanor. He/she will definitely have their own mind and will want to do things their own way. Be prepared for lots of activity, playing, and running around. As long as you keep them happy with lots of play initiative, they will be an awesome addition to the family. And if you have always wanted to do agility training with your pup, this is the personality that would love it.

TAURUS – April 20 – May 20: Good luck to those of you who have a dog with a Taurus personality. He/she will be headstrong and stubborn, which can make it somewhat difficult when trying to train or control. Plan on having tons of yummy treats to entice them into doing what you want them to. If you plan on taking your pet on trips, this could prove difficult in that this is a dog personality that absolutely does not like any change in his/her routine. But on a positive note, this dog loves to be loved, cuddled and pampered, and is the perfect companion for long walks in nature.

GEMINI – May 21 – June 20: If you’ve got a dog with a Gemini personality, this is a pet that can literally outsmart you. Ruled by Mercury, they are curious, intelligent and mischievous. Take this one to the dog park as this type is very sociable and loves to mingle. A Gemini pup should be in a fenced in yard because they are notorious escape artists. Always with their nose to the ground to gather more information which can take them to places unknown. 

CANCER – JUNE 21 – JULY 22: If you are looking for a warm-hearted, loving, devoted companion, this is the zodiac personality for you. Cancer pups become very attached to their families and can’t bear to be away from home. So, if you travel, plan on having a pet nanny stay at your house as opposed to a kennel. Cancer dogs also make awesome service animals as they have a level of compassion that tunes into the person who needs them.

LEO – July 23 – August 22: All the world’s a stage and this furry friend wants to be front and center. They love attention and don’t mind being brushed and pampered to look their best. A Leo personality is also very loyal and very protective of the people they love. This is a very courageous animal who would probably step in the middle of anything or anyone trying to be aggressive to a member of their tribe.

.VIRGO – August 23 – September 22: Also ruled by Mercury, this is a very intelligent and dedicated dog. If you are looking for a service dog, this personality would be perfect. They love having a job to do and are very attached to their routines. They are also very dutiful and make excellent guard dogs. This is also a very hygienic pup who likes his/her personal space to be clean and would rather explode than create a mess in their bed or living space.

LIBRA – September 23 – October 22: Gorgeous to look at and sweet as can be. A Libra pet is very well-balanced. They want to snuggle and love on everyone in their family without picking a favorite. They don’t like being left alone, so having another pet would be wonderful for this sign. Be aware during training that they can be a bit ADD as a Libra pup can be easily distracted. Please be patient with these tender hearted souls. Their feelings can be hurt easily if you speak harshly. They need lots of repetition and gentle positive reinforcement.  

SCORPIO – October 23 – November 21: This is an extremely loyal and dedicated personality and they will often attach themselves to one specific person in the household. It may take some time to gain their trust, but once you do you’ve got a friend for life. They are extremely perceptive and can sniff out anything or anyone who is inauthentic. When they look you in the eye, it is intense. They seem to really understand who you are and will let you know when they are ready to trust you. The Scorpio pup enjoys puzzle toys where he/she can investigate and keep his/her mind active.

SAGITTARIUS – November 22 – December 21: The pup with a Sagittarius soul is friendly, adventurous, comical and absolutely does not like being restrained in any way. Be prepared to let this one off leash to run free and explore all the sights and smells that nature has to offer (safely of course). They are happiest being outside, so if you love outdoor activities, hiking and traveling, this is the companion for you. Because this is a very freedom loving personality, keep a watchful eye on them so they don’t wander off in their quest for adventure. As for training, let them know what is expected of them and they will give you 100%.

CAPRICORN – December 22 – January 19: Dogs with the Capricorn personality are serious minded and calm, but also smart and good-natured and eager to please. They are the natural workers of the zodiac, so expect your pup to be the star of his/her training class. They are quick learners and don’t forget once they are taught a task. The training technique that works best for this sign is positive reinforcement. They respond much better to rewards than being yelled at for mistakes. They inherently really want to do the right thing. This sweet soul prefers to sit back and observe before jumping into the mix. Make sure you give him/her a good challenge and new tricks to learn every now and then to give a sense of achievement.

AQUARIUS – January 20 – February 18: Aquarian dogs are quite unique little characters. They are not really cuddly and overly affectionate but are super social and love to make friends. You can recognize this little rebel at the dog-park as the one not following the others but leading the chase. This is also the one dog with a social consciousness wanting to help people and other animals. If you have ever seen a dog rescuing someone from a burning building or from drowning in a lake, you have just witnessed an Aquarian dream. 

PISCES – February 19 – March 20: If your dog is a Pisces you have an extremely sensitive and highly intuitive companion. They can pick up the vibe in the room or the energy of other people before you have a chance to take anything in at all. If your pup takes an instant dislike to someone, that is the only caution sign you will need to stay away from that person. They are happiest with their chosen person or people and will be attached like Velcro to your side. These personalities are the most gentle, kind and loving of the pet world. If you are looking for a soulmate who will listen to you, provide you comfort, and follow you from room to room, this is the one for you.