Earth, Wind and Fire... and Water; The Elements of Astrology

I always begin an astrological consultation by discussing the elemental balance in a person’s chart and the importance of the elements in determining the personality of that person, or in the case of a Solar Return reading, the importance they will play in the energy for that particular year.

Most people have little awareness of this subject and the part that it plays in our physical and psychological make-up. Astrology is linked to the cycles of nature and the four seasons, and the elements show how this is all interconnected.

The reason I felt compelled to write about this is because I have noticed that in many instances, whenever I start out with the elemental energies, I pick up on an impatient energy with the client that is zoning out and wanting to get to the “good stuff.” But this is part of the “good stuff” and a perfect way to get an overall picture of a person’s personality, energy, and how they move through life. This is one of the building blocks to understanding the signs and our personalities.

In astrology, the elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water make up the entire zodiac wheel. Many times, there is an imbalance of the elements in a chart, or a combination of certain elements that can create either compatibility or dissidence.

Elemental imbalances occur when a person has either a limited or excessive element present in their chart. In the case of combinations, a person may have two or even three elements in equal number which creates a unique situation as well. The goal is to be aware of what is going on energetically to create a more equal balance in your life. This is also a very helpful tool when you are looking at the compatibility between two people. 

Each of the 12 zodiac signs are associated with one of the four elements and are grouped as follows:

Fire signs:        Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Earth signs:     Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

Air signs:         Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Water signs:   Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Even though three signs are grouped under one of the elements, they still present differently within that element according to the personality of the sign. Let me explain further.

The Fire signs all represent a birth of some sort. Their job is to move forward by using their unique inspiration and expression. The main goal is to initiate action. There is no feeling, no pondering, no planning, no thinking of the consequences of action. It is pure “in the moment” expression. Fire signs are the risk-takers, the extroverts, the ones with the energetic zest for life. In Aries, Fire creates a trailblazer. One who needs to initiate and inspire something original in the world. It corresponds with the beginning of spring reflecting a time of new birth. Leo projects Fire with its enthusiasm and confidence. Leo wants to lead in a grand manner or with a sense of drama. There is a pride and desire for recognition with this placement. Sagittarius utilizes the Fire energy to go where no one has gone before. It wants to explore all unknown places and ideas, constantly searching for action and adventure. There is a restlessness in their aspirations.

The Earth signs pick up on what Fire has started. It is the job of Earth energy to put what Fire has inspired into physical form. Its purpose is to find real ways to turn ideas into tangible products. Earth takes the time to do all the actual work that Fire has initiated, to stick to a plan, and be in it for the long-haul. Earth is meant to calm the fire. In Taurus, the focus is on the practical aspects of accumulating a solid foundation for themselves through possessions and resources. Taurus is a natural builder. In Virgo, this energy is all about analyzing, working with routine and structure to make an impact and provide helpful service. Capricorn’s earth energy is about the slow and steady climb to the top through perseverance and an organized plan of action. All of the Earth signs value stability and security in all areas of life. 

The Air signs analyze and judge what Earth has formed and produced. Air’s job is to figure out what Fire has initiated and what Earth is doing to shape that idea into physical form. Air takes a new and unbiased look at what has been developed and judges its worthiness. They ask questions and stir things up. Those with Air signs are the communicators, the social butterflies, the problem solvers, the revolutionaries. Air in Gemini is intellectually curious, light and adaptable. They feel like a summer breeze. In Libra, the energy is relationship driven. It wants to cooperate and find balance in what is being presented. The air in Libra seeks truth and beauty. Aquarius uses its air energy in a non-conformist way. They have a unique way of thinking that gives us our great problem solvers in technology and humanitarian issues. Above all, Air must communicate, share information, interact with others, and influence society in some way.

The Water signs experience and feel what has been initiated by Fire, built by Earth, and analyzed by Air. The purpose of Water is to simply experience without changing or judging anything. There is nothing deeper than the element of Water. It is just pure, raw emotions, feeling and intuition. In Cancer, the motivation is to nurture, to provide a safe and comfortable place to land, and to allow people to feel heard and cared for. Water in Scorpio is more intense. Think of the depths of the ocean and the power of that vast space. This element in Scorpio is passionate, psychic, and deeply transformative. In Pisces, water exhibits in a highly empathic and compassionate way. These are the dreamers, artists, and imaginative souls of the zodiac. Water in this sign wants to connect with others on a spiritual level. It is about learning and adapting in the areas of emotion and sensitivity.

When I am reviewing a chart and I notice someone has an emphasis of Air but very little Earth, it can signal that this person may have an overabundance of ideas, but no place to go with them. They can’t get those ideas off the ground. I would then recommend some grounding activities or principles to help them balance this out.

Perhaps someone has low Water in their chart. This could signify a situation where they find themselves emotionally blocked, emotionally unavailable, or uncomfortable around people who express their emotions outwardly in what they may describe as “overly emotional.” On the other hand, if they have too much Water, this could create a situation where they experience an overwhelm in their own feelings, not able to see the reality of life, or lacking a drive to take action.

A person who is deficient in Fire may lack motivation and zest and will need to find ways to connect to their inspiration.

In all situations where balance is needed, I never leave a client hanging. We always discuss various ways to even things out for the greater good of their emotional well-being.

I love seeing certain elemental combinations in a chart. For instance, when I see equal Fire and Water, I immediately sense that the individual is involved in the arts in some way. This is the mark of an artist – pure passion. Water is the receiving or feeling element and Fire brings in the inspiration.

Mixing Air and Water helps to merge your heart and mind, making it easier for you to express your feelings and understand your emotions.

If you happen to have a mix of three elements such as Fire, Air, and Water, you’ve got a balance between your ideas, actions, and emotions. The logical or mental part of you is able to merge with your heart-center to give you the inspiration to move forward with your ideas and actions in an intuitive way.

I hope that this explains the dance of the elements in a way that provides more meaning when you are reading an article about the planets, signs and transits, or during an astrological consultation.

As written for the October issue of Live, Love and Eat Magazine